hennes' gemlog

2023-07-17 Setup .authinfo.gpg file for Emacs

2023-06-11 Configure webcam with v4l2-ctl

2023-01-15 Use static IP to enable DHCP service of router

2022-12-11 Create a bootable USB stick using dd

2022-07-08 Call a function on a captured group when using replace-regexp in Emacs

2021-06-21 Firefox: Disable search in address bar

2021-06-20 My keyboard layout

2021-04-10 Configure CDDB for abcde

2021-02-13 Pimp my Elpher with unicode emojis on Ubuntu

2021-02-06 New certificate with longer validity

2021-01-17 Trailing slashes and relative URLs

2020-12-29 How I came to Gemini

2020-12-29 Wie ich zu Gemini kam (german)

2020-12-23 Hello world