silica dreams

after poking around gemini for some time i decided i might enjoy a little secret vacation home in the internet. something like a dream that leaves you with nothing but a faint memory.

i'm someone interested in archiving and web stability, but i have made this capsule with no intention of building a forever home. maybe more of a haunt. gemini feels airy to me, like the lonely yet living scifi space.

🖼 selected works

🧠 AI artist statement

🌊 stream / microblog

💎 sediments / gemlog

🐋 whale fall / www art share


☀ about

🦐 swim with me

🐛 this is a capsule-creature


talk to the silica

📝 guestbook

you can also email me at solflo [at] pm [dot] me


my plant

my www home

my cohost profile

you can find me in many other places over at the web, but i won't clutter here with all those links. you can find them from my site.