[everything thrown together, novels, comics, etc...]
In progress
+ My friend's screenplay
+ The Sorcerer's Apprentice by François Augiéras
Haven't been keeping track of anything since February -- focusing on reading is still pretty hard. But here's what I remember...
+ some ending by Ben Norris
+ The Equation of Light and Shadow by Yoshimi Seki (reread)
+ Opened Hunchback of Notre Dame and was immediately not into it tho wonder if it's the translation. Can't remember why I had an urge to read it.
+ The Living are Few, The Dead Many by Hans Henny Jahnn
A collection of short stories and then a section from a longer book at the end? One of the best things I've read in a long time. Felt like finding a dark recess that fits your body exactly.
+ Goodbye Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Not my fav but everything by Fujimoto is excellent.
+ Magus of the Libary by Mitsu Izumi
A big surprise, avoided this series bc I thought it would be like a generic young adult fantasy but it's really one of the most engrossing manga I've read in a while. Genuine excitement. I was upset when I got to the end of the translated volumes because I didn't want to stop reading it, I didn't want to exit the world of the story. Really well written. Fascinating world. Made me cry a few times. One of my favorite parts was when it goes into the backstory of this extremely racist, beligerent girl.
+ Lovecraft, The Hound
+ A Centaur's Life, vol 11
-- this comic always surprises me with how deep it goes into its world building. Avoided reading it for a while because I thought it would just be like Monster Musume but it's really not like that at all. Writing is really good.
+ These are scattered around on my desk:
Fencing: A Rennaissance Treaty
-- a little hard for me to penetrate but what was I expecting?
+ Lovecraft, scattered around a few collections...
The Whisperer in the Dark
The Dreams in the Witch House
The Hound
-- have to find this somewhere else, Och said it was his favorite story.
+ Shonen Jump Guide to making manga
Recently reread:
+ Metamorphosis by Shindo L
still one of the most moving comics I've ever read, nothing has ever destroyed me more emotionally than this
General things I want to read about next:
Brain...biology / chemistry?
-- brain diseases
Does looking at images count as reading?