cdg: Collaborative Directory of Geminispace
sggs: Simple Gemini Game Server
htalkat: Talkat (Talk Across TLS) real-time text client and server
gredig: A communal language-learning exercise
gemgrave: Burying the famous dead
zyg: Selected interactive fictions
gemkerkerkruip: Kerkerkruip in gemini
gemfortune: Daily fortune cookies
gmisub2atom: Simple gmisub to atom converter
ssh games: Some text games you can play right now on this server
Favoured software: Gratitude and recommendations
Grammar notes: Concise idiolectic notes on some natlangs
gmi2html: Simple sed script to convert text/gemini to html
gmi2md: Even simpler one to convert text/gemini to markdown
titan-upload: Simple shell script for uploading via titan, supporting certificates
diohsc tips: Neat tricks for getting more out of diohsc
certRecs: Recommendations on how to change your server certificate
streamtest: See how your client handles streamed output
resume test: See how your client handles TLS resumption
tuner: Instance of the defunct internet radio browser
reviews: Occasional book reviews etc
Served by a "Core2 Duo" board running Gentoo Linux using molly-brown.
My P4 is resting.
Also available as a tor hidden service.
I hereby grant you the permission to use anything on this capsule under the terms of (any version of) CC-BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike).
I am mbays. The machine hosting this capsule is thegonz.
pgp pubkey (pipe this link to "gpg --import")
talkat (pass this uri to "htalkat n")
tor hidden service talkat uri (in case you want to contact me anonymously)