




sms.d.ts (16058B)

     1 import {Request} from '../lib/request';
     2 import {Response} from '../lib/response';
     3 import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
     4 import {Service} from '../lib/service';
     5 import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
     6 import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
     7 interface Blob {}
     8 declare class SMS extends Service {
     9   /**
    10    * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
    11    */
    12   constructor(options?: SMS.Types.ClientConfiguration)
    13   config: Config & SMS.Types.ClientConfiguration;
    14   /**
    15    * The CreateReplicationJob API is used to create a ReplicationJob to replicate a server on AWS. Call this API to first create a ReplicationJob, which will then schedule periodic ReplicationRuns to replicate your server to AWS. Each ReplicationRun will result in the creation of an AWS AMI.
    16    */
    17   createReplicationJob(params: SMS.Types.CreateReplicationJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.CreateReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.CreateReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
    18   /**
    19    * The CreateReplicationJob API is used to create a ReplicationJob to replicate a server on AWS. Call this API to first create a ReplicationJob, which will then schedule periodic ReplicationRuns to replicate your server to AWS. Each ReplicationRun will result in the creation of an AWS AMI.
    20    */
    21   createReplicationJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.CreateReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.CreateReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
    22   /**
    23    * The DeleteReplicationJob API is used to delete a ReplicationJob, resulting in no further ReplicationRuns. This will delete the contents of the S3 bucket used to store SMS artifacts, but will not delete any AMIs created by the SMS service.
    24    */
    25   deleteReplicationJob(params: SMS.Types.DeleteReplicationJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DeleteReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DeleteReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
    26   /**
    27    * The DeleteReplicationJob API is used to delete a ReplicationJob, resulting in no further ReplicationRuns. This will delete the contents of the S3 bucket used to store SMS artifacts, but will not delete any AMIs created by the SMS service.
    28    */
    29   deleteReplicationJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DeleteReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DeleteReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
    30   /**
    31    * The DeleteServerCatalog API clears all servers from your server catalog. This means that these servers will no longer be accessible to the Server Migration Service.
    32    */
    33   deleteServerCatalog(params: SMS.Types.DeleteServerCatalogRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DeleteServerCatalogResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DeleteServerCatalogResponse, AWSError>;
    34   /**
    35    * The DeleteServerCatalog API clears all servers from your server catalog. This means that these servers will no longer be accessible to the Server Migration Service.
    36    */
    37   deleteServerCatalog(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DeleteServerCatalogResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DeleteServerCatalogResponse, AWSError>;
    38   /**
    39    * The DisassociateConnector API will disassociate a connector from the Server Migration Service, rendering it unavailable to support replication jobs.
    40    */
    41   disassociateConnector(params: SMS.Types.DisassociateConnectorRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DisassociateConnectorResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DisassociateConnectorResponse, AWSError>;
    42   /**
    43    * The DisassociateConnector API will disassociate a connector from the Server Migration Service, rendering it unavailable to support replication jobs.
    44    */
    45   disassociateConnector(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.DisassociateConnectorResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.DisassociateConnectorResponse, AWSError>;
    46   /**
    47    * The GetConnectors API returns a list of connectors that are registered with the Server Migration Service.
    48    */
    49   getConnectors(params: SMS.Types.GetConnectorsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetConnectorsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetConnectorsResponse, AWSError>;
    50   /**
    51    * The GetConnectors API returns a list of connectors that are registered with the Server Migration Service.
    52    */
    53   getConnectors(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetConnectorsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetConnectorsResponse, AWSError>;
    54   /**
    55    * The GetReplicationJobs API will return all of your ReplicationJobs and their details. This API returns a paginated list, that may be consecutively called with nextToken to retrieve all ReplicationJobs.
    56    */
    57   getReplicationJobs(params: SMS.Types.GetReplicationJobsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetReplicationJobsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetReplicationJobsResponse, AWSError>;
    58   /**
    59    * The GetReplicationJobs API will return all of your ReplicationJobs and their details. This API returns a paginated list, that may be consecutively called with nextToken to retrieve all ReplicationJobs.
    60    */
    61   getReplicationJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetReplicationJobsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetReplicationJobsResponse, AWSError>;
    62   /**
    63    * The GetReplicationRuns API will return all ReplicationRuns for a given ReplicationJob. This API returns a paginated list, that may be consecutively called with nextToken to retrieve all ReplicationRuns for a ReplicationJob.
    64    */
    65   getReplicationRuns(params: SMS.Types.GetReplicationRunsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetReplicationRunsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetReplicationRunsResponse, AWSError>;
    66   /**
    67    * The GetReplicationRuns API will return all ReplicationRuns for a given ReplicationJob. This API returns a paginated list, that may be consecutively called with nextToken to retrieve all ReplicationRuns for a ReplicationJob.
    68    */
    69   getReplicationRuns(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetReplicationRunsResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetReplicationRunsResponse, AWSError>;
    70   /**
    71    * The GetServers API returns a list of all servers in your server catalog. For this call to succeed, you must previously have called ImportServerCatalog.
    72    */
    73   getServers(params: SMS.Types.GetServersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetServersResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetServersResponse, AWSError>;
    74   /**
    75    * The GetServers API returns a list of all servers in your server catalog. For this call to succeed, you must previously have called ImportServerCatalog.
    76    */
    77   getServers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.GetServersResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.GetServersResponse, AWSError>;
    78   /**
    79    * The ImportServerCatalog API is used to gather the complete list of on-premises servers on your premises. This API call requires connectors to be installed and monitoring all servers you would like imported. This API call returns immediately, but may take some time to retrieve all of the servers.
    80    */
    81   importServerCatalog(params: SMS.Types.ImportServerCatalogRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.ImportServerCatalogResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.ImportServerCatalogResponse, AWSError>;
    82   /**
    83    * The ImportServerCatalog API is used to gather the complete list of on-premises servers on your premises. This API call requires connectors to be installed and monitoring all servers you would like imported. This API call returns immediately, but may take some time to retrieve all of the servers.
    84    */
    85   importServerCatalog(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.ImportServerCatalogResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.ImportServerCatalogResponse, AWSError>;
    86   /**
    87    * The StartOnDemandReplicationRun API is used to start a ReplicationRun on demand (in addition to those that are scheduled based on your frequency). This ReplicationRun will start immediately. StartOnDemandReplicationRun is subject to limits on how many on demand ReplicationRuns you may call per 24-hour period.
    88    */
    89   startOnDemandReplicationRun(params: SMS.Types.StartOnDemandReplicationRunRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.StartOnDemandReplicationRunResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.StartOnDemandReplicationRunResponse, AWSError>;
    90   /**
    91    * The StartOnDemandReplicationRun API is used to start a ReplicationRun on demand (in addition to those that are scheduled based on your frequency). This ReplicationRun will start immediately. StartOnDemandReplicationRun is subject to limits on how many on demand ReplicationRuns you may call per 24-hour period.
    92    */
    93   startOnDemandReplicationRun(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.StartOnDemandReplicationRunResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.StartOnDemandReplicationRunResponse, AWSError>;
    94   /**
    95    * The UpdateReplicationJob API is used to change the settings of your existing ReplicationJob created using CreateReplicationJob. Calling this API will affect the next scheduled ReplicationRun.
    96    */
    97   updateReplicationJob(params: SMS.Types.UpdateReplicationJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.UpdateReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.UpdateReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
    98   /**
    99    * The UpdateReplicationJob API is used to change the settings of your existing ReplicationJob created using CreateReplicationJob. Calling this API will affect the next scheduled ReplicationRun.
   100    */
   101   updateReplicationJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: SMS.Types.UpdateReplicationJobResponse) => void): Request<SMS.Types.UpdateReplicationJobResponse, AWSError>;
   102 }
   103 declare namespace SMS.Types {
   104   export type AmiId = string;
   105   export interface Connector {
   106     connectorId?: ConnectorId;
   107     version?: ConnectorVersion;
   108     status?: ConnectorStatus;
   109     capabilityList?: ConnectorCapabilityList;
   110     vmManagerName?: VmManagerName;
   111     vmManagerType?: VmManagerType;
   112     vmManagerId?: VmManagerId;
   113     ipAddress?: IpAddress;
   114     macAddress?: MacAddress;
   115     associatedOn?: Timestamp;
   116   }
   117   export type ConnectorCapability = "VSPHERE"|string;
   118   export type ConnectorCapabilityList = ConnectorCapability[];
   119   export type ConnectorId = string;
   120   export type ConnectorList = Connector[];
   121   export type ConnectorStatus = "HEALTHY"|"UNHEALTHY"|string;
   122   export type ConnectorVersion = string;
   123   export interface CreateReplicationJobRequest {
   124     serverId: ServerId;
   125     seedReplicationTime: Timestamp;
   126     frequency: Frequency;
   127     licenseType?: LicenseType;
   128     roleName?: RoleName;
   129     description?: Description;
   130   }
   131   export interface CreateReplicationJobResponse {
   132     replicationJobId?: ReplicationJobId;
   133   }
   134   export interface DeleteReplicationJobRequest {
   135     replicationJobId: ReplicationJobId;
   136   }
   137   export interface DeleteReplicationJobResponse {
   138   }
   139   export interface DeleteServerCatalogRequest {
   140   }
   141   export interface DeleteServerCatalogResponse {
   142   }
   143   export type Description = string;
   144   export interface DisassociateConnectorRequest {
   145     connectorId: ConnectorId;
   146   }
   147   export interface DisassociateConnectorResponse {
   148   }
   149   export type ErrorMessage = string;
   150   export type Frequency = number;
   151   export interface GetConnectorsRequest {
   152     nextToken?: NextToken;
   153     maxResults?: MaxResults;
   154   }
   155   export interface GetConnectorsResponse {
   156     connectorList?: ConnectorList;
   157     nextToken?: NextToken;
   158   }
   159   export interface GetReplicationJobsRequest {
   160     replicationJobId?: ReplicationJobId;
   161     nextToken?: NextToken;
   162     maxResults?: MaxResults;
   163   }
   164   export interface GetReplicationJobsResponse {
   165     replicationJobList?: ReplicationJobList;
   166     nextToken?: NextToken;
   167   }
   168   export interface GetReplicationRunsRequest {
   169     replicationJobId: ReplicationJobId;
   170     nextToken?: NextToken;
   171     maxResults?: MaxResults;
   172   }
   173   export interface GetReplicationRunsResponse {
   174     replicationJob?: ReplicationJob;
   175     replicationRunList?: ReplicationRunList;
   176     nextToken?: NextToken;
   177   }
   178   export interface GetServersRequest {
   179     nextToken?: NextToken;
   180     maxResults?: MaxResults;
   181   }
   182   export interface GetServersResponse {
   183     lastModifiedOn?: Timestamp;
   184     serverCatalogStatus?: ServerCatalogStatus;
   185     serverList?: ServerList;
   186     nextToken?: NextToken;
   187   }
   188   export interface ImportServerCatalogRequest {
   189   }
   190   export interface ImportServerCatalogResponse {
   191   }
   192   export type IpAddress = string;
   193   export type LicenseType = "AWS"|"BYOL"|string;
   194   export type MacAddress = string;
   195   export type MaxResults = number;
   196   export type NextToken = string;
   197   export interface ReplicationJob {
   198     replicationJobId?: ReplicationJobId;
   199     serverId?: ServerId;
   200     serverType?: ServerType;
   201     vmServer?: VmServer;
   202     seedReplicationTime?: Timestamp;
   203     frequency?: Frequency;
   204     nextReplicationRunStartTime?: Timestamp;
   205     licenseType?: LicenseType;
   206     roleName?: RoleName;
   207     latestAmiId?: AmiId;
   208     state?: ReplicationJobState;
   209     statusMessage?: ReplicationJobStatusMessage;
   210     description?: Description;
   211     replicationRunList?: ReplicationRunList;
   212   }
   213   export type ReplicationJobId = string;
   214   export type ReplicationJobList = ReplicationJob[];
   215   export type ReplicationJobState = "PENDING"|"ACTIVE"|"FAILED"|"DELETING"|"DELETED"|string;
   216   export type ReplicationJobStatusMessage = string;
   217   export type ReplicationJobTerminated = boolean;
   218   export interface ReplicationRun {
   219     replicationRunId?: ReplicationRunId;
   220     state?: ReplicationRunState;
   221     type?: ReplicationRunType;
   222     statusMessage?: ReplicationRunStatusMessage;
   223     amiId?: AmiId;
   224     scheduledStartTime?: Timestamp;
   225     completedTime?: Timestamp;
   226     description?: Description;
   227   }
   228   export type ReplicationRunId = string;
   229   export type ReplicationRunList = ReplicationRun[];
   230   export type ReplicationRunState = "PENDING"|"MISSED"|"ACTIVE"|"FAILED"|"COMPLETED"|"DELETING"|"DELETED"|string;
   231   export type ReplicationRunStatusMessage = string;
   232   export type ReplicationRunType = "ON_DEMAND"|"AUTOMATIC"|string;
   233   export type RoleName = string;
   234   export interface Server {
   235     serverId?: ServerId;
   236     serverType?: ServerType;
   237     vmServer?: VmServer;
   238     replicationJobId?: ReplicationJobId;
   239     replicationJobTerminated?: ReplicationJobTerminated;
   240   }
   241   export type ServerCatalogStatus = "NOT_IMPORTED"|"IMPORTING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETED"|"EXPIRED"|string;
   242   export type ServerId = string;
   243   export type ServerList = Server[];
   244   export type ServerType = "VIRTUAL_MACHINE"|string;
   245   export interface StartOnDemandReplicationRunRequest {
   246     replicationJobId: ReplicationJobId;
   247     description?: Description;
   248   }
   249   export interface StartOnDemandReplicationRunResponse {
   250     replicationRunId?: ReplicationRunId;
   251   }
   252   export type Timestamp = Date;
   253   export interface UpdateReplicationJobRequest {
   254     replicationJobId: ReplicationJobId;
   255     frequency?: Frequency;
   256     nextReplicationRunStartTime?: Timestamp;
   257     licenseType?: LicenseType;
   258     roleName?: RoleName;
   259     description?: Description;
   260   }
   261   export interface UpdateReplicationJobResponse {
   262   }
   263   export type VmId = string;
   264   export type VmManagerId = string;
   265   export type VmManagerName = string;
   266   export type VmManagerType = "VSPHERE"|string;
   267   export type VmName = string;
   268   export type VmPath = string;
   269   export interface VmServer {
   270     vmServerAddress?: VmServerAddress;
   271     vmName?: VmName;
   272     vmManagerName?: VmManagerName;
   273     vmManagerType?: VmManagerType;
   274     vmPath?: VmPath;
   275   }
   276   export interface VmServerAddress {
   277     vmManagerId?: VmManagerId;
   278     vmId?: VmId;
   279   }
   280   /**
   281    * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
   282    */
   283   export type apiVersion = "2016-10-24"|"latest"|string;
   284   export interface ClientApiVersions {
   285     /**
   286      * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
   287      */
   288     apiVersion?: apiVersion;
   289   }
   290   export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
   291 }
   292 export = SMS;