1-system.sh (3058B)
1 # download and copy to usb key 2 # dd if=Downloads/FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M conv=sync 3 4 # invite user to video wheel webcamd 5 # pw user mod user -G wheel 6 7 pkg install vim 8 9 # ssh server setup: 10 # /etc/rc.conf 11 # sshd_enable="YES" 12 # /etc/rc.d/sshd start 13 14 # pkg install xorg 15 # pw groupmod video -m user || pw groupmod wheel -m user 16 # pkg install drm-kmod 17 # vim /etc/rc.conf 18 # >> kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko" 19 # edit file 20 # pkg install xdm 21 # vim /etc/ttys 22 # >> on line ttyv8, change the off to on 23 # pkg install xfce 24 # vim /etc/rc.conf 25 # >> dbus_enable="YES" 26 # echo ". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc" > ~/.xinitrc 27 # echo ". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc" > ~/.xsession 28 29 pkg install bash slrn tty-clock sshguard wget tmux gcc gdb tree py39-ranger mc htop w3m tig curl screen ncftp atop tcc kpcli iftop unison elinks links nmap zip lynx pwgen rsync pigz pixz astyle uncrustify valgrind ncdu mutt cppcheck ctags source-highlight highlight 30 31 # pkg install sshguard wget tmux gcc gdb tree py37-ranger mc htop w3m tig imagemagick curl screen mc ncftp rtorrent pbzip2 atop tcc py37-sshuttle cmatrix kpcli iftop unison graphviz hs-pandoc elinks links nmap figlet zip lynx cowsay sl rdiff-backup graphicsmagick pwgen rsync pigz pixz astyle uncrustify valgrind doxygen fish lcov slurm-wlm cloc the_silver_searcher ncdu mutt bmon cppcheck check llvm90 toilet ctags py37-mkdocs source-highlight highlight 32 33 # missing 34 # iotop qrencode llgal unifdef massif-visualizer valkyrie etckeeper autojump 35 36 37 # dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-20.04.1.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4M 38 # dd if=Downloads/FuryBSD-12.1-XFCE-2020042001.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4M 39 40 # furybsd: 41 # /etc/rc.conf 42 # linux_enable="YES" 43 # kld_list="sysctlinfo cuse utouch" 44 # allscreens_kdbflags="-b quiet.off" 45 # dhcpcd_enable="YES" 46 # webcamd_enable="YES" 47 # wlans_iwm0="wlan0" 48 # ifconfig_wlan0="WPA" 49 # lightdm_enable="YES" 50 51 # pkg 52 # mesi-dri 53 # mesa-libs 54 # utouch-kmod 55 56 # xf86-input-edev 57 # xf86-input-keyboard 58 # xf86-input-libinput 59 # xf86-input-mouse 60 # xf86-video-cirrus 61 # xf86-video-scfb 62 # xf86-video-vesa 63 # wpa-supplicant_gui 64 # webcamiod 65 # doas 66 # sudo 67 68 69 # ghostbsd 70 # /etc/rc.conf 71 # kld_list="linux linux64 cuse /boot/modules/amdgpu.ko /boot/modules/radeonkms.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko" 72 73 # pkg 74 # xf86-input-synaptics 75 # xf86-input-vmmouse 76 # xf86-video-intel 77 78 # drm-fbsd12.0-kmod 79 # gpu-firmware-kmod 80 81 # vim 82 # sed -i 's/"syntax on/syntax on/g' /etc/vim/vimrc 83 # cp vimrc.local /etc/vim/vimrc.local 84 85 cp ../dotfiles/webs.sh /usr/local/bin/ 86 87 # git (root account) 88 cp ../dotfiles/.gitconfig /root/ 89 mkdir /root/.gittemplates 90 cp -R ../dotfiles/.gittemplates/* /root/.gittemplates/ 91 git config --global user.email "you@example.com" 92 git config --global user.name "Your Name" 93 94 # diff-so-fancy 95 git clone https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy.git 96 cp diff-so-fancy/diff-so-fancy /usr/local/bin/ 97 mkdir /usr/local/bin/lib 98 cp diff-so-fancy/lib/DiffHighlight.pm /usr/local/bin/lib/ 99 100 # sheepy 101 git clone https://spartatek.se/git/sheepy.git 102 cd sheepy 103 ./install.sh 104 spm -g install sheepyExamples 105 spm -g install hidir 106 107 # end