The price is right, and it is available on OpenBSD. Sources for music or sonic samples:
Automation tracks may mess with the volume, and then if you replay a track the volume will be from where the automation last left it, which may not be where you want the volumn to start at. So if you add automation make sure it applies to the first note in addition to anywhere else.
VST is not supported, and the ZynAddSubFX integration does not work.
There is a separate zynaddsubfx package, but that does not seem related to ZynAddSubFX not working in LMMS. Not working here means that neither clicking nor dragging on *.xiz presets does anything, same as an audio format that is not supported.
More plugins can be found via
$ pkglocate ladspa ...
or summarizing by way of
$ pkglocate ladspa | perl -F: -lane '$s{$F[0]}=1}{print for sort keys %s' calf- caps-plugins-0.9.24p3 cmt-1.15p6 kdenlive-22.12.3 ladspa-1.17p0 liblrdf-0.5.0p6 lmms-1.2.2 mcp-plugins-0.4.0p3 pulseaudio-16.1 rubberband-1.8.2 swh-plugins-0.4.15p3 tap-plugins-0.7.3
You may not, however, want to install all of these.
tags #lmms #openbsd