Created 2023-06-15 (2017-09-16)
Install with Static IP
wpa_passphrase LUNCARTY mypassword >>/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
In /etc/resolv.conf, add line before other nameserver commands (ordering is important):
nameserver 192.168.014
Ensure /etc/rc.d/rc.local has:
ifconfig eth0 down wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf & ifconfig wlan0 up ifconfig wlan0 inet ip route add default via dev wlan0
See: db07.181
sudo adduser pi
sudo usermod -a -G dialout netdev pi
vim /etc/profile.d/
export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
`makewhatis' - makes manpages
fallocate -l 3G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
/etc/fstab: /swapfile none swap defaults 0 0
<hr><h2>See also</h2>
<li><a href="repos.htm">repos</a> - sbopkg and slackbuilds</li>
<li><a href="vbox.htm">vbox</a></li>
<hr><h2>Links to other sites</h2>
<li><a href="">bluetooth</a></li>
<li><a href="">udev</a> automount USB</li>
Author: Mark Carter
Created: 16-Sep-2017
Updated: 03-Mar-2020
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<h1>Slackware repos</h1>
For slackware 14.2
Dependency resolution, and installation in a oner, example:
sqg -p cinelerra
sbopkg -i cinelerra # Use (Q)ueuefile rather than package
<h3>Useful packages</h3>
sbopkg -i keepassx # executable is keepassx
sbopkg -i pnmixer # volume mixer for system tray. No prereqs. Useful for icewm
sbopkg -i sshfs-fuse
download dir for compressed tars of sources
Queue files as generated by `sqg'
Contents of a package - you can search this to see what package a file belongs to
NOT RECOMMENDED (time-consuming): download ALL the queuefiles for sbopkg:
sqg -a
Blender install to /opt/blender. vlc is also available.
But perhaps a better way is to use slackbuilds.
Java has the package <code>openjdk</code>, which installs to <code>/usr/lib64/jvm/bin/java</code>. It's a very time-consuming build.`
Contains binary builds for many extras, inc keepassx, sshfs, qt5:
<a href=""></a>
<hr><h2>See also</h2>
Author: Mark Carter
Created: 30-Dec-2018
Updated: 11-Dec-2019
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: <a href="../unix.htm">unix</a>
: <a href="slackware.htm">slackware</a>
Bridged adapter
Install vbox guest additions
/etc/fstab uncomment /dev/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
Author: Mark Carter
Updated: 16-Sep-2017