Large Language Models (LLMs) & Metadata

Integrate an LLM Q&A system into

This development will be done in stages:

Add GN metadata

Set up system update protocol

These are all living systems that must be kept up-to-date.

GN is consistently being used for research and we are improving its design and functionality to make this statement perpetually true.

In order to keep the Q&A system up-to-date we must:

The National Library of Medicine's PubMed is a National Institute of Health system that is one of the most widely used resources for researchers found

PubMed is consistently updated by the NIH, so we must build a script to:

By ensuring up-to-date information about the main information sources for the GeneNetwork Q&A system, the system grows with the knowledgebase.

Add functionality that allows someone to submit documentation to the system, which is added after being reviewed by a specialist.