FFXIV wishlist
- The drowning theme from Sonic the Hedgehog to play when a Dark Knight enters Walking Dead state
- Beast tribe in Garlemald that’s just a bunch of Garleans who are sick of the empire’s shit
- Beast tribe housing. Let me live in a Vanu Vanu house.
- Improved (read: lessened) jiggle physics for boobs. Alternatively, apply the same jiggle physics to male pecs to see how ridiculous it looks when min-size boobs bounce around after running/jumping.
- Bulge size slider for male characters
- NB character options, obviously
- Aero III to come back, please
- AoE Esuna
- AoE Rescue
- More non-dialogue dialogue options for my Qestiri WoL
- Some kind of "Freelancer" or "Onion Knight" job that lets you wear whatever you want from any job. What kind of stuff would it do? I don’t know, sometimes I just want to mix Tank gear with Healer gear, okay?