These are the books that I'm reading, have read, or haven't read. You may find many of them on Gutenberg and/or Standard Ebooks, and some of them in the care list. If I don't forget, I'll link to their sources. Though less common, if I have a page dedicated to a book of this list I'll link to it instead, like I did with How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.
For some of them I don't have a good link so I may use a not so great one, like to Goodreads. Sorry in advance. I'll mark them "DUB"ious as a warning.
Please let me know if you find any of the links not working.
Alasdair Cochrane, An Introduction to Animals and Political Theory
Alasdair Cochrane, Animal Rights Without Liberation
John Romer, Ancient Lives: Daily Life in Egypt of the Pharaohs
Reinaldo Sousa Santos, Ser Feliz no Trabalho
Felícia Cabrita, Francisco Moita Flores, Ballet Rose (Uma história amoral)
Francis Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis: 2021/07/30
Bob Nystrom, Game Programming Patterns: 2021
Daniel P. Friedman & David Thrane Christiansen, The Little Typer: 2021/02/06
James Edward Gray & Bruce A. Tate, Designing Elixir Systems With OTP: 2021/05/20
Sonja Lang, Toki Pona: The Language of Good: 2022/09/22
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, Riscos Globals e Biodiversidade: 2022/06/15
Eric Berne, Games People Play: 2023/03/12
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground: 2023/06/19
Akwaeke Emezi, Freshwater: 2021/07/30~2021/08/23
Albert Camus, A Happy Death: 2021/07/21~2021/07/28
(DUB) Albert Camus, Bread and Freedom: 2020/12/23
Albert Camus, Create Dangerously: 2020/12/21~2020/12/22
Albert Camus, Defence of Intelligence: 2020/12/22
Albert Camus, The Plague: 2022/04/15~2022/06/15
Albert Camus, The Stranger: 2019
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World: 2020
Alfred Mill, Personal Finance 101: 2021/07/09~2021/07/18
Bill Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: 2022/01/07~2022/04/05
Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jethá, Sex at Dawn: 2021/06/08~2021/07/29
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 2021/06/13~2021/07/05
Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: 2021/11/14~2022/01/06
Dylan Moonfire, Allegro: 2023/04/23~2023/06/11
Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat: 2022/05/30~2022/05/30
Edgar Allan Poe, The Murders in the Rue Morgue: 2022/05/17~2022/05/17
Edgar Allan Poe, The Mystery of Marie Rogêt: 2022/05/29~2022/05/30
Edgar Allan Poe, The Gold-Bug: 2022/09/10
Edgar Allan Poe, Ligeia: 2022/09/17
Epictetus, The Enchiridion: 2021/04/14~2021/04/16
George Orwell, Animal Farm: 2020
Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life: 2020~2021/03/07
Henry David Thoreau, Walden: 2021/06/07~2021/07/29
Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga, The Courage to Be Disliked: 2020
J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye: 2019
Jerome K. Jerome, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: 2020
Jerome K. Jerome, The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: 2022/11/17~2023/02/23
Jorge Luis Borges, Blue Tigers: 2022/05/30~2022/05/30
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto: 2021/04/28~2021/05/03
Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go: 2020
Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day: 2020/12/14~2020/12/29
Laozi, Tao Te Ching: 2021/04/10~2021/04/14
Leo Tolstoy, A Confession: 2021/04/20~2021/04/27
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: 2021/05/06~2021/06/05
(DUB) Michael T. Stevens, The Art of Psychological Warfare: 2022/05/09~2022/05/16
Michele Cagan, Budgeting 101: 2021/08/24~2021/09/05
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness: 2020
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince: 2021/07/30~2021/08/23
Nikolai Gogol, A May Night: 2021/03
Nikolai Gogol, Old-Fashioned Farmers: 2021/06/11
Nikolai Gogol, St. John's Eve: 2021/03
Nikolai Gogol, Taras Bulba: 2021/06/12~2021/06/24
Nikolai Gogol, The Night of Christmas Eve: 2021/05/31~2021/06/07
Nikolai Gogol, The Viy: 2021/08/24~2021/08/28
Paul Kleinman, Philosophy 101: 2020/12/20~2021/04/08
Paul Kleinman, Psych 101: 2020
Peter Archer, Religion 101: 2021/03/29~2021/05/28
Peter Watts, The Things: 2023/01/22~2023/01/25
Philip K. Dick, Beyond Lies the Wub: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Beyond the Door: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Mr. Spaceship: 2022/09/20~2022/09/21
Philip K. Dick, Piper in the Woods: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Second Variety: 2021/07/06~2021/07/09
Philip K. Dick, The Crystal Crypt: 2020
Philip K. Dick, The Defenders: 2020
Philip K. Dick, The Eyes Have It: 2022/09/19
Philip K. Dick, The Hanging Stranger: 2023/06/13
Philip K. Dick, The Skull: 2020
Philip K. Dick, The Variable Man: 2020
Philip K. Dick, The Variable Man: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Tony and the Beetles: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Adjustment Team: 2020
Philip K. Dick, Of Withered Apples: 2020
Philip K. Dick, The Golden Man: 2021/05/30
Plato, Cratylus: 2022/02/22~2022/03/09
Plato, Gorgias: 2021~2021/03/13
Plato, Lesser Hippias: 2021/12/29
René Descartes, Discourse on the Method: 2020
René Descartes, Selections from the Principles of Philosophy: 2020
Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: 2020
Stephen King, The Shining: 2019~2020
Steve Toutonghi, Join: 2021/08/31~2021/11/10
Susan Kaye Quinn, The Legacy Human: 2020
Tansel Ali, How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours: 2023/02/24~2023/03/02
Travis Bughi, Beyond the Plains: 2020
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables: 2020/01/01~2021/06/10
Voltaire, Candide: 2021/09/06~2021/10/04
Voltaire, Letters on England: 2020~2021/01/21
宮沢 賢治, 『注文の多い料理店』序: 2021/06/05
村上 春樹, 夜中の汽笛について、あるいは物語の効用について: 2023/01/05
秋田 雨雀, 三人の百姓: 2021/06/01~2021/06/02