━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ META About this page ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Table of Contents ───────────────── 1. Orgmode makes it all possible .. 1. Org-publish .. 2. Why semantics matter .. 3. Is this designed to last? .. 4. Targeting Org or HTML 2. Bibliography Nav Footer 1 Orgmode makes it all possible ═══════════════════════════════ 1.1 Org-publish ─────────────── I write this website in Orgmode. It's a markup-language like Markdown, but with way more capabilities. Just consider, this entire Document is exported out of it. The text I write looks like this: ┌──── │ :PROPERTIES: │ :ID: 5e5e2b79-18ab-4bce-9036-b02fa0b19c91 │ :END: │ #+title: Meta │ #+subtitle: About this page │ #+keywords: Meta, Orgmode, Bacaliu.de │ #+filetags: Meta Orgmode │ #+description: Why is this site so clean? Why does it need no cookies? │ #+language: en │ #+bibliography: ../ref.bib │ #+cite_export: csl ~/Vorlagen/csl/rub-eng.csl │ │ * Orgmode makes it all possible │ ** Org-publish │ I write this website in Orgmode. It's a markup-language like Markdown, but with way more capabilities. Just consider, this entire Document is exported out of it. The thig I write looks like this: │ │ #+caption: The org-file │ #+begin_src org │ ... └──── Listing 1: The org-file Through Org-publish (“Publishing (The Org Manual)” 2022) I create HTML, txt and gemini out of it. This is sent over to the server with git (over GitLab). I can even put programm-code inside this document and run it. I just type the code-part and the results are generated automaticly! ┌──── │ for i in range(3, 19, 4): │ print(f"The number {i} is one more than {i-1}") └──── Listing 2: for-loop ┌──── │ The number 3 is one more than 2 │ The number 7 is one more than 6 │ The number 11 is one more than 10 │ The number 15 is one more than 14 └──── 1.2 Why semantics matter ──────────────────────── Orgmode supports different markup: `*bold*' *bold* `/italics/' /italics/ `=keybindings=' `keybindings' `~code~' `code' `+removed+' +removed+ `_underline_' _underline_ If you see the html-verison you will notice: underlined text is green. I don't see the need of having /tree/ different emphasis options. How should I decide if an important word should be bold, italic or underlined? By creating a complement to struck through text, I can correct +erorrs+ _errors_ in this intuitive way. The css and my Emacs-config makes the underlined text green. But also on other exports it is somewhat intuitive that /struck-through/ text folowed by /underlined/ text means first was replaced by second. This whole thing shows a problem with most modern content. Semantics and aesthetics are often very bound together. I have to write my own css to make sure the content looks like I want. By making headings bigger and colored I don't mean the words are literally big and colorful. I mean they are a heading and you should see it as a heading. At least html-tags are somewhat semantic-driven. When your browser reads a `