bugs to be fixed
CC-BY-SA 4.0
- links with html escaped chars. Ex. In response to Ostov's thoughts (2022-10-17)
- add page hit counter
- add property `protocol` to avoid display only by one protocol: gemini or http
- last build date
- list all pages by date
- refactor layout
- gallery - "app" to dynamicaly generate index page of images. Meta: _intro_, _attachments_
- book - "app" to dynamicaly generate TOC of articles. Pages should have Article mark. Add PDF generator if needed (maybe LaTeX)
- add push to Fediverse in push service, add meta _intro_
- avoid files without _id_
- save attachment links in Tree
- space between file list in gemini:// - 2023-02-14
- fix url by adding real language in it. `sgs` version should be for all except `en`.
- all pages in `sgs` (all langiages) ignores other not `en`
- fix image inline display
- fix other file than .md display
- list all pages in `sgs` for all not `en` languages
🌿 arns_lt
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