Only A Fool

When a finger is pointing up to the sky, only a fool looks at the finger.

I have Things To Say about the Gemini protocol and spec, but like others I have decided to rate limit my posts about Gemini.

There’s time.

To switch metaphors: we’re all in the same boat, but let’s not spend too much time talking about the boat.


Instead, something fun: technology in dreams!

Technology in My Dreams

I also find that technology doesn’t “work” in my dreams; I’m never sitting at a computer using it, for example.

Sometimes however I find that the interaction is happening without the technology. For example, if I’ve been spending a lot of time in spreadsheets, I might dream about using a spreadsheet ... directly. No computer required.

I suppose this is related to the fact that when you remember playing a computer game, what you remember is the experience of the game, not the experience of sitting playing the game. The mind discards the trappings.

Here is something you can try.

While you’re awake, form a habit of looking at your wristwatch (or, lacking a wristwatch, phone) and asking yourself whether you can read it.

When you’re dreaming, the habit will sometimes kick in, and you’ll notice that you can’t read. This should trigger awareness that you’re dreaming—and perhaps an interesting experience as a result.


A few days ago we visited a castle. I like castles.

I always enjoy encountering old libraries, somehow it is a very personal look into the past:

Castle Library

It’s understandable that it’s not allowed to touch the books, but I can’t help thinking how much fun it would be.

Not far from the castle, a small trace remains of the vast reach of the Romans:

Roman Columns

It’s astonishing how much they achieved without any form of secure end to end encryption.

Feedback 📮

👍 Thanks!

👎 Not for me.

🤷 No opinion.


So far today, 2023-07-10, feedback has been received 3 times. Of these, 0 were likely from bots, and 3 might have been from real people. Thank you, maybe-real people!

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