Quick Update: Moving 2

I'm so exhausted

2023-03-30 | 1 min read

We made it to Chicago. Flying from San Francisco with three cats was A Lot. We did fly in my wife's partner to help with them, but even then it was just, so much.

We're making major unpacking progress in spurts. Every few days we make a huge dent in the boxes and set up, and then in the interim we rest and focus on smaller things. Today was an incredibly good day: we made gigantic progress on the living room and it's now usable. We sat down and ate dinner, cuddled, and watched cooking youtubes. It was something I sorely missed and has helped me feel more at home.

I'm currently having major trouble sleeping, and it's really taking it's toll. I hope it's just the stress of everything, and once we settle in I can hopefully rest and sleep better. I keep having these weird insatiable second winds on my most exhausted days. I need to bring both of these up to my new doctor, but my first appointment is in June 😕

Meanwhile, we've got a large portion of the network up, which is greatly relaxing. I am a network admin after all, and I run my home on [Home Assistant]. Being able to use my routines and automations is making life easy again, and bringing a sense of normalcy to this new environment.

Home Assistant

As for new environments, we're on the northside, which is super weird for a couple of southside girls. But the area is very nice, the alderwoman is fantastic and super cares about the neighborhood, and we're surrounded by tons of amazing food!

The cats are doing so well, I almost can't believe it. Better than me, sometimes.

I have major longcovid concerns, but I kind of just have to push through it. Crossing my fingers that this doesn't bite me in the ass.

I haven't touched my game design projects in weeks :(

My mind is fuzzy, and it's past my bedtime. Time to wrap this up and go to sleep. Super happy to be in Chicago, looking forward to tons of new opportunities.

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🏷️ life


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