Manjaro is a nice OS in general. But there are some issues (Robertson 2022a) like polybar fails for some weeks because Manjaros repos update two week after Archs', so the AUR is out of sync with them.
It was a good starting point for me to experience Linux; now I feel confident enough to use bare Arch.
It's possible, if having the `/home' folder in its own partition, to install a new linux system and keep the data. But there is the risk of overwriting it, therefore a Backup is recommended in any case.
To get a list of the currently installed packages, I stored the output of `pacman ` into a file.
pacman -Qeq > package-list.txt
(just lists the /explicit/ installed packages.)
This way, I /could/ simply push this list into pacman to get the same packages as now; but I'll rather use it to look at it if I need to and don't install all the unused packages too.
To backup my personal data, I plugged in an old HDD. It was named `/dev/sda1 `. So I mounted it and archived my whole home-directory into it. While doing so, i ran into some errors.
So I logged in as `root `, mountet the HDD and stored my data onto it.
mkdir ~/media mount /dev/sda1 ~/media
tar -cvf media/Backup/2022-09-15.tar /home/adrian
I just downloaded an Arch-iso from some mirror (“Arch Linux - Downloads” 2022) and wrote it on the usb-drive. (The stick was connected as `/dev/sda `.)
pv archlinux-2022.09.03-x68_64.iso > /dev/sda
The installation is relatively simple. (“Installation guide - ArchWiki” 2022)
I let the installer whipe the whole disk, created a user `adrian ` again, set up language, time, keyboard and installed i3wm (Developers 2022) as a window manager.
Now I had a functional Arch-System with nearly empty home directory. I took the HDD, mountet it and moved the data back. I did it again as `root ` to prevent any more difficulties.
mkdir ~/media mount /dev/sda1 ~/media
tar --skip-old-files --file media/Backup/2022-09-15.tar /
| /\ adrian@archlinux
| / \ os Arch Linux
| /\ \ host 81LG Lenovo IdeaPad L340-15IWL
| / \ kernel 5.19.8-arch1-1
| / ,, \ wm i3
| / | | -\ uptime 6h 23m
| /_-'' ''-_\ pkgs 791
Now I run Arch. Browser, Matrix-client etc. work all like before on Manjaro, because their userdata is unchanged. I've already installed some missing packages as I ran into errors in my daily workflow (one because of a bug in Doom Emacs (doomemacs 2022) which I installed manually), and there are still some missing. Nevertheless There are only 791 packages installed currently. On Manjaro I had more then two thousand installed!
After two weeks, I decided to install it again. The main reason is, that `archinstall ` decided the `/ ` Partition should only get 20GB, which is not enough for all the software I use. Also I
I run into the same problems this time, as last time. But this time I was prepared for this and documented my way solving them.
systemctl enable systemd-networkd systemctl start systemd-networkd systemctl enable systemd-resolved systemctl start systemd-resolved pacman -S NetworkManager systemctl enable NetworkManager systemctl start NetworkManager
#... de_DE.UTF-8 # (comment out the needed language) #...
sudo locale-gen
First, I needed to get paru (“AUR (en) - paru” 2022), a very useful AUR-helper.
Following the instructions on it's github-page, I installed `git ` and `base-devel `, cloned it *as a normal user*, then `mkpkg -si `.
Afterwards, I could simply push the List of packages into it.
paru -S $(cat ~/media/package-list.txt)
Now I use Arch again, but
archlinux. 2022. “archinstall,” /Github/ September 16, 2022, URL: .
“Arch Linux - Downloads,”. 2022. September 16, 2022, URL: .
“AUR (en) - paru,”. 2022. October 1, 2022, URL: .
Developers, I. 2022. “i3 - improved tiling wm,” June 21, 2022, URL: .
doomemacs. 2022. “Symbol’s function definition is void,” /Github/ September 16, 2022, URL: .
“Installation guide - ArchWiki,”. 2022. /Archwiki/ September 16, 2022, URL: .
Robertson, B. 2022a. “I Can No Longer Recommend Manjaro Linux,” /Youtube/, Youtube September 16, 2022, URL: .
Robertson, B. 2022b. “GRUB Broke My Arch Linux Installation!,” /Youtube/, Youtube August 30, 2022, URL: .
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