12:07 - Sheffield Women in Tech (ShfWIT): ShfWIT round table lunch
09:07 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
14:07 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
09:07 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
14:07 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
12:07 - Online seminar: Recruitment opportunities for the gaming and digital sector
18:07 - Front End Sheffield: July 2023
09:07 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
14:07 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
18:08 - dotnetsheff: [🏫 In-Person] .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! & VS Extensions with Pete and Mike
09:08 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
14:08 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
09:08 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
14:08 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
09:08 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
09:08 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
09:08 - Sheffield DM (Digital Marketing): Summer 2023
09:09 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
09:09 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
18:09 - Sheffield AI: Beyond The Prompt
09:09 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
09:09 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
18:09 - Front End Sheffield: September 2023
09:09 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
09:10 - GeekBrekky with Sheffield Digital
18:10 - Front End Sheffield: October 2023
18:11 - Front End Sheffield: November 2023
Source: opentechcalendar.co.uk