👽 martin

Anyone else following this Titan story? Crazy! I hope they're found alive, but that's looking very slim. Insane to imagine yourself in the same position in terms of how you'd behave, what you'd do.

2 weeks ago


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6 Replies

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@martin they're gone, ship imploded. RIP · 2 weeks ago

👽 eaplmx

Well... IDC, it's very unlikely for me to be in that position, and going under the sea is not one of my 'deep' interests... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But my wife is interested and my source of gossip on this story, so I'm aware 🙂 · 2 weeks ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

I'd have taken some sleeping pills and weed with me, just to be prepared... · 2 weeks ago

👽 smokey

Crazy story indeed. If they aren't found at least they'll go out doing what they enjoyed. Its like when you hear someone died while paragliding, sure its a shame but thats just the price paid for living an exceptionally exciting life. · 2 weeks ago

👽 martin

@smokey https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-65967464 · 2 weeks ago

👽 smokey

links? · 2 weeks ago