Tux Machines
Posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Jul 10, 2023
=> /n/2023/07/10/Security_Leftovers.gmi Security Leftovers
=> /n/2023/07/10/After_30_Years_Linux_Finally_Hits_3_Market_Share.gmi After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share
=> https://news.tuxmachines.org/i/2023/07/librecad.thumbnail.jpg ↺ librecad
LibreCAD is a free Open Source personal CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. LibreCAD is a comprehensive, 2D CAD application that you can download and install for free. There is a large base of satisfied LibreCAD users worldwide, and it is available in more than 20 languages and for all major operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, ...). It can read DXF and DWG files and can write DXF, PDF and SVG files. You can download, install and distribute LibreCAD freely, with no fear of copyright infringement.
LibreCAD is a feature-packed and mature 2D-CAD application with some really great advantages...
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=> https://www.neowin.net/software/librecad-2201/ ↺ Read on