About this Gemini/Gopher/WWW site

Credits, Copyright, and Privacy

Online here since May 16, 2022

Last updated on June 11, 2023

This site is accessible from World Wide Web, Gopher, and Gemini, and is hosted at smol.pub.

Everything is kept deliberately simple and minimalist. Both Gopher and Gemini are mainly plain text-based media.

Please note that only the "articles" (blog) section of the site is available through Gopher. Additionally, the attached images are not displayed on Gopher.

Privacy (updated)

Beginning March 22, 2023, the WWW version of this site collects a small set of user data for simple statistical purposes. This is done without the use of JavaScript and cookies and thus no personally identifiable information (PII) can be collected in any way. The only information I can know from this is: your location (country, and state or province if you are in the Argentine Republic, Australia, Brazil, Canada, PR China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Taiwan ROC, or the United States of America); your browser type and operating system; and the default language setting for your browser. I do not have ways to know which page(s) you have visited, or whether you are a repeat visitor, as it has no capability for user tracking. This data is processed by NLNet Foundation's GoatCounter using its servers located within the European Union. Gemini and Gopher users are not automatically counted in this manner.

There are no cookies, advertising, trackers, or bells and whistles. No personal data is ever collected here. If you like what you see here, please let me know by writing to hello@willowashmaple.xyz (I strongly encourage the habit of encrypting emails; my PGP public key is found at https://keys.openpgp.org) as that's really the only way I would know you've been here!

Another way to show your support is to subscribe to my newsletter at Substack! (Substack's privacy policy is found at https://substack.com/privacy)

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As this site is mostly text-based and contains no scripting, it should be fully compatible with screen readers.

Any Web browsers, including Lynx and Links, are welcome here.

Gopher browsers

gopher gopher://smol.pub:70/1/willowashmaple  


lynx gopher://smol.pub:70/1/willowashmaple  

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Gemini browser

The URL for this site in Gemini is: gemini://willowashmaple.xyz (note the gemini:// part). If your browser returns a security certificate error, try the alternate URL, gemini://willowashmaple.smol.pub

New to Gemini? Start here!

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Geminize for Firefox


On the Web version of this site:

Cover photo: by Dan Meyers on Unsplash.com (cc0)

Photographs appearing on this site have been processed with the Imagepipe app (de.kaffeemitkoffein.imagepipe) to minimize file sizes and to remove Exif data.


Contents of this site marked as "posts" (i.e., blog articles) may be freely used under the terms of the Cooperative Nonviolent Public License (CNPLv7+). All other uses require the express permission of the author. Contents of this site marked as "pages" are exceptions to this, and may not be republished, redistributed, or reused in any way without the express permission of the author.


Land acknowledgments

Willow wishes to acknowledge this land, which has for thousands of years been the traditional home of the Atfalati (Tualatin Kalapuya) nation. Today, this place is still the home to many indigenous people from across this continent, including those of the modern-day Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

About the Atfalati (Gopher)

About the Atfalati (Web)

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Beyond land acknowledgment


return home
