The pages are ordered by date/time of update, most recent first.
Chinese Pork Shoulder, a bit like spare ribs
Give and Get Back - Ya Bastard!
Scaremongering on UK crime stats
From 4chan (I added reach out)
Ricky Gervais vs The Drag Queens
Comparing Aldous Harding to Kate Bush
Sun and Steel, notes by Dennis Michae Liannuzz
Windows 7 Batch Image Resizers
More OnlyFans BBC Paid Media Ads
Mount a Samba/CIFS/SMB share on Linux
Half-decent+ music that I find.
The Shocking Nothingness of DNS
When Take That Ripped Off Little Boots
Home Automation with Home Assistant
Gemserv - Just Block All Encoded Paths
The Private Citizen, So Basically Human and Decent
Philip Green & Boomer Zoomer Mentality
Curve25519 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
Notes on building Lua5.4 and Luarocks 3.7
Comments on High Blood Pressure from Hacker News
Exploitative BBC Paid Media Ads
Using WeeChat with my ZNC bouncer
HyperText and Custodians of Knowledge
Marginalia Search: Genuinely useful
A Technical Due Diligence of WASM
I got banned from my local reddit group
Hacker News Comments on Gemini
Minetest server startup/shutdown scripts
4. Builtin Functions *functions*
MMFS Commands (mostly also Acorn DFS)
Anlogic FPGA Toolchain, License crack
Fixing a Bug in 38 Year Old Software
BBC Micro - Educational Software v2
Crap Marketing of the 8-Bit Era
Reviving a BBC Micro to all its banal glory
It's not a Thing, it's just a Web Site
Radio 77 Operating for 50 years with audience of one
Raquel Meyers - KYBDslöjd ASCII Artist
Sending patches to git repositories.
Ceephax Acid Crew - aka Andy Jenkinson
Post to IRC using telnet via ZNC
Input/Output Redirection in the Shell
Religion and Frameworks of Understanding
What I do to debug library issues.
The Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede
Google Play wants Body Sensors
The decommoditization of protocols
Frank Kermode on Desert Island Discs
PuTTY, Windows 7, unreliable network
Resolvconf and systemd-resolver notes
Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
AWK Language Programming - Patterns and Actions
Bash script - sitemap with full-text-search
Minetest notion of a Pointed Thing
If HexChat disconnects for no reason
Good C Libraries and Tools - awesome-c curated by kozross @GitHib
rsync entire root filesystem to a local device
The Global Dollar Short Squeeze
Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself
PlayStation Architecture | A Practical Analysis
PHP: SQLite3Stmt::bindParam - Manual
Personal Search Engine – SusaNET
Longan Nano (GD32VF103) – SusaNET
How to Put More “Character” Into Your NPCs
Fixing Mass Effect black blobs on modern AMD CPUs
CFS – Commerce Filtered Search – SusaNET
3 tricks to start working despite not feeling like it
Comparison of signature verification between ECC and RSA certificates.
Web pages to Gemini with Reader Mode utility
exporting the blocked hosts â SusaNET