Welcome to Lagrange Point.


mdsj at disroot dot org


Log Archive


Gemini Everything



Took down the Spartan server for now, put up a Nex server instead.


So, probably going to swap out wordpress for hugo or something similar.

I don't have anything against wordpress, other than there seem to be

new vulnerabilities popping up for it all the time.

I also need to add SSL to my site, but hetzner makes this seem so complicated.

I wanted to get a free SSL cert, but I don't really know if that's an option...

maybe I should switch hosting providers, but I don't know of any others except

Linode and DigitalOcean... I admit to still being a newb when it comes to web dev lol.


So I tried Vanilla OS, it's pretty cool. It won't be

replacing NixOS tho! I love the concept of OSTree and

OSTree adjucent systems, but ultimately you can't do

as much as with them, even with the adddition of adding

nixpkgs to the container environment ala Vanilla OS,

but it is getting closer to being more versatile.

Also, I'd like to replace my Wordpess site with Ghost

or some sort of static site. I mean, there's nothing

wrong per se with Wordpress, but I feel like it doesn't

have a lot of flexibility itself. It ends up looking

similar to every other Wordpress site out there, and

there's tons of Wordpress sites that turn people off of


As far as Gemini goes, I still love Gemini a lot, altho

I dislike the TLS requirements, even tho I know that it's

needed to prove identity and for security reasons I suppose.

I really don't know what I want to do with my site if we're

being honest, I just DO know that I need to write more. Like,

a lot more, and read as well. There's no other option than

to take up the pen as much as possible, even when I don't

feel like it.

Anyways, that's all for now!

02/27/23 Part 2

Hmm, basically I need to figure out how to keep my logs

in sync across all my servers. That is to say, the servers

running Gemini, Gopher, Spartan and Wordpress. I really

wish Wordpress had a way to submit to the site via the

command-line. There's probably a plugin for that, but

I have no idea if that plugin would work with NixOS unless

it required a lot of fiddling around, lol. For now I'll

just work on making sure everything is in sync for

Gemini, Gopher and Spartan.


I keep trying to update every single day, but it's

very difficult for me. Needless to say, I am currently

using Emacs a lot again. In fact I am typing this in

Emacs right now. Emacs+NixOS or Guix makes everything

so easy it's unbelievable, really.

I want to really switch to Guix in the future, mostly

because I feel that Guix has everything I want in an

OS, and I admire their mission. It's just, since they

use the Linux Libre kernel, I can't use my wireless

internet with it and I only have access to the wireless

connection right now because of my home circumstances.


Not much to report today! Just trying to keep things


Edited to add:

Gonna start doing BSD/Linux distro reviews. For new

AND old distros, and from then, howtos and config


You can find it at:


Music of the Moment

"Police Truck" - Dead Kennedy's