MORE TYPES OF PHONE PHRAUD By: Anarchist Cook -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- **THIS FILE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL AND READING ENJOYMENT PURPOSES ONLY. ANY ACTUAL OR ATTEMPTED USE IS PROBABLY PRETTY FUCKIN ILLEGAL SO DON'T GET CAUGHT!** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OK, now that that shit is out of the way, on to the phile. I think I am the first to pioneer this type of fraud, so I hope that this reaches far & wide. Now, this comes from a prank I played in school on the answering machine, it was a helluv phunny joke! Anyways, what I did was: 1. (optional) Observe type of answering machine and get all available information on it. 2. Get the telephone number you wish to wreak havoc upon. 3. Dial the number after office hours. 4. During the recording, start pressing various numbers (to get the Remote Code, if you have completed step one you will know exactly how many numbers you will need to press in; on many systems it is only one number so press "1" for two seconds, listen to see if the recording has stopped and if you hear a mechanical voice, then go on to "2", etc. etc. ad nauseum... Sometimes you will have to press in two numbers in succession to activate the Remote Mode, with this I have had the most luck trying "12", "34", "56", etc., and also "23", "45", "67", etc. 5. If at any point in your hacking the code, the recording suddenly stops and /or you hear a mechanical voice, you're in. The voice should say something like: "Hello, you have no messages. You may hang up and I will reset, or enter remote code again to [note IMPORTANT ==>] RECORD A NEW GREETING [<==]." If it has messages, it will give you appropriate instructions, like "press remote code to hear messages," then after you heard 'em it'll say "enter remote code to save messages or else hold on to delete 'em". Anyways, that is one type of vandalism, you can delete a big corp's important messages, but I would not suggest this. Read on.... 6. Now you can capitalize on this. Most answering machines have a feature that will let you record the greeting from a different phone. Use this feature, and say this: "ATTENTION OPERATOR, THIS NUMBER ACCEPTS ALL THIRD-PARTY BILLING CALLS." Now follow any instructions to save that and select it as the main greeting. 7. Now, from any phone you can call the operator and say: "I'd like to make a call to (your LD phriend's #) and bill it third party to (the number who's answering machine you hacked)" The operator will ask you to hold, and will call the number, and when she gets the answering machine and hears that message, you have just sucessfully pulled off a Phone Phraud (tm). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I hope you have found this information educational and enjoyable. Please feel free to E-Mail me at 71@5309 WWIVNET with any questions/comments. A.C. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ This quality file was downloaded from E X T R E M E ------------+------------ �����������������������������������Ŀ /|\ � � / | \ � Portland Metro All Text BBS � / | \ � � / | \ � 9600: 503-775-0374 � / | \ � SysOp: Thing One � / | \ � � / | \ ������������������������������������� d r e a m e s