"Introduction to MW" by Raven
"Disturbing Thoughts" by Raven
"Untitled Poem" by Mustaine
"School Phun #1" by Raven
"Music Review: #1" by Mustaine
"Technology..." by Raven
"Music Review: #2" by Mustaine
"Cruelty to Animals" by Raven
"Network Hacking #1/2" by Mustaine
"Network Hacking #2/2" by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #1" by Raven
"Phone Death" by Raven
"STUPIDRV.EXE" by Mustaine
"Class Voting" by Raven & Catwoman
"Music Review: #3" by Mustaine
"Miscellaneous Poetry" by Dark Horse
"Editorial" by Mustaine
"What the Crime Bill SHOULD Read:" by Raven
"Kids...They suck." by Mustaine
"Untitled Poem" by Dark Horse
"Phun With Snot" by Mustaine
"The World's Suckiest Jobs" by Catwoman & Raven
"Philisophical Wonderings" by Buckwheat
"Whining about 'The Lion King' :)" by Mustaine
"Just What the Hell IS Summer?" by Buckwheat
"Music Review #4" by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #2" by Raven
"The BLOND Virus" by Mustaine
"Lighter Tricks" by Raven
"Driving Grievances" by Slartibartfast
"Untitled Poem" by Deker
"Letter to Bozak" by Mustaine
"Race" by Slartibartfast
"Wild Walk" by >Anonymous<
"School Phun #2" by Raven
"The DAVE Continuum" by Slartibartfast
"Misc. Poetry" by Mustaine
"Labels Galore" by Raven
"Untitled Poem #2" by Deker
"What Happened to Musty?" by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #3" by Raven
"Music Review #5" by Mustaine
"the wop wop" by Angst
"Musty's College Thang" by Mustaine
"Rock the Cradle" by Mustaine
"Stereograms" by raven
"Musty's Ego Trip :)" by Mustaine
"End of the World" by Killer Wombat
"Music Review #6" by Mustaine
"Musty Gets down and Dirty" by Mustaine
"X-Men Chapstick" By Angst
"Roomates" by Mustaine
"Top Ten Lists" by Mustaine
"Friends" by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #4" by Raven
"That Wonderful, Awful Grinch" by Dark Horse
"Sheep & Wool" by Pride
"Poems for Alyson" by Dark Horse
"Music Review: #7" by Mustaine
"Sleazy" by Pride
"Adventures in the Potty" by Mustaine
"OOPS.ZIP" by Mustaine
"Compression Utilities" by >Anonymous<
"Midnight Blues - 1st Solo" by Dark Horse
"Smurfs & Chicks " by Mustaine & Friends
"Misc. Poetry" by Pride
"Flame Response" by Mustaine
"Musty Flames People #2" by Mustaine
"Where's Raven?" by Mustaine
"huh 69 huh" by >Anonymous<
"Mind Warp! Index #5" by Mustaine
"What the Hell???" by Mustaine
"American Folk Stories : 2129 A.D." by Raven
"Egypt Air 1996" by Mustaine
"New Handgun Application" by Raven
"Music" by Ninja-Man Bob
"Squid's Poem" by Squid
"Mind Warp View" by Raven
"Misc. Love Poems" by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #6" by Mustaine
"Surfing the Night Away" by Mustaine
"Chronicles of Influenza" by Mustaine
"Angry Thoughts" by Mustaine
"Music Review: #8" by Mustaine
"Warp, Mind" - by Mustaine
"This Indiana Night" - by Chris
"Editorial #2" - by Mustaine
"Watching the Clouds" - by Chris
"Four Essential Questions" - by Chris
"Excuses to Get Out of Class" - by Raven
"Whimsical Theories" - by Chris
"To Save a Maiden" - by Chris
"Music Review #9" - by Mustaine
"Mind Warp! Index #7" by Mustaine