Tools I use
Here you will find a list of tools and programs I use on a day-to-day basis.
- WM: SwayWM (Wayland)
- Notification Daemon: dunst
- Status Script: i3status
- Bar: swaybar
- Terminal: foot
- Terminal Font: Fira Code
- Shell: ksh93u+m
- Application Launcher: tofi
- Wallpaper setter: azote
- TUI File Manager: ranger
- GUI File Manager: pcmanfm
- Media Player: mpv
- YouTube Player: gtk-pipe-viewer
- Web Browser: LibreWolf
- Gemini/Gopher Browser: Lagrange
- GTK themes, icons, cursors: Dracula
- GUI Font: Fira Sans
Text Editor
- Packer.nvim for managing, installing, updating plugins
- telescope.nvim for fuzzy finding(awesome!)
- vim-go for go development
- ALE for linting, lsp, etc.
- nvim-treesitter for highlighting
- nvim-web-devicons for some language symbols
- lunar.nvim colorscheme
- barbar.nvim for a tabline
- lualine for the statusline
- Comment.nvim for easy commenting
- toggleterm.nvim for a drop-down terminal
- Colorizer to color hex codes and color names
- weechat for IRC
- element-desktop for Matrix
- discord in the browser (yucky)
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