< honestly, I have to agree...


Protocols, servers, clients: all inert stuff.

When enough people become enchanted with a subset thereof, such subset becomes "a thing". And, oh boy, what a thing it becomes! Sometimes it even becomes everything! (for some, for a while)

I've tried html, html+css, html+css+javascript, then txt over http[s], then gopher and gemini, then none, then back to gemini.

None of the tech details seemed to matter at all. I either lucked into the attention of others when their attention was primed to be fascinated by my assemblage of verbiage such that they might feel compelled to respond/reply, or I didn't.

And whether any momentum in such lucky hits died immediately or went on for a season, well, no control over that, really.

I do think the Gemini sector of toolage has helped me slow down, helped me not castigate myself with unreasonable expectations of how that kind of luck works.

What I do know for sure is I've enjoyed reading this thread.


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