Yesterday I said that I might try to do more CGI scripting and here I am.
I started writing gemchan [1], probably the first gemini:// message board! I'm making good progress but work right now is still at prototype stages, once the code is good enough to not make me look like a monkey with a typewriter I'll publish it.
Right now I have thread creation and thread listing semi-working. I had to do some hacking in order to get gemini to send more than one variable over to the server in a request. To get multiple variables I made a single 10 input and prompt the user to separate values with "~", as it doesn't get encoded to url percent encoding. It's not the best solution but it works, I could log the IP or hash of each user store the variables in a temp file and have the script check the file and ask for missing vars but I think this is more efficient as the script only has to run once and interacts with the fs only when it needs to.
I'll have to rewrite some of the code because of a fuck-up but it's not a big deal.
And yeah I know that it goes against the whole spirit of gemini://, being like web 1.0 and all but I just wanted to see if I could do it, as an excercise.
As much as I'm a proponent of FOSS I'm contemplating about releasing the source code, I don't want it to accidentaly spread and cause people to fork/improve it in order to actually use it. If software like this becomes prevalent it might mean the death of what gemini was meant to be in the first place. I think that outcome should be avoided at all cost, after all aren't we cyber-luddites by the standards of the average web 2.0/3.0 user?