There are a few things missing from this site compared to the old one, but to be honest not much. Content wise, the last iteration didn't have a great deal going for it and I doubt this will be very different.
But the main thing that I am thrilled will be missing is... The contact form.
As mentioned here, the last iteration of this site dated from my days working as a consultancy, and was in large part a professional "shop window". That meant the obligatory "Contact Us" page on the site.
Needing a basic CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to track my clients and their projects, I naturally went with a Cloud-based service optimised for small businesses - Capsule CRM. I mention them by name here because they offer a good service, and I was very happy with the product for as long as I used it.
But I made one critical mistake - in the interests of allowing customers to quickly get in contact, I set up a web form on the Snowgoons site which allowed a potential customer to directly enter their requirements, which would automatically create a lead in the Capsule CRM platform using their API. Super! Except...
From: Erma Rojas
Need a unique, personalized gift for the man in your life and his mancave? How about a photograph about something of interest to him.
Visit and start your search at humor and unusual/humor and continue to 22 other categories.
Prices start at $25 and use discoun…
Which I think begs the obvious question: *Who the hell actually uses words like 'mancave' without irony?*
So yeah, the automated spam delivery system. That's missing from this website. Good riddance!