Thoughts => Gemini

I don't know what I'm doing

I see people with there pretty little logs with nicely organized posts... is that manually done? Is there some secret utility for formatting those? I'd love to know, but for now I'm just going to write it all in a single file like a monster. When it gets too annoying for me, I'm gonna break it up into subpages, I think.

I did end up doing that, but I still worry i'm doing Gemini "wrong", somehow. Like... is there a static site generator-like tool for Gemini, that will add my navigation links and format stuff? That sounds super un-gemini, but at the same time I think manually adding timestamps is equally not good. I'm not sure...

More thoughts on

(continuing from here)

I sat on my feelings about it, and I think I judged it too harshly. The default notification settings (all of the things, all of the time) combined with a vague "hotness" metric made me incredibly wary. I hope the person running it doesn't screw things up, but I've come around on the premise I think.

It's fun to see what gemini can do, and there's a romanticism about the whole protocol, I think. It's fun to play into that sometimes, and I think for now I'm engaging with that to a healthy extent. Time will tell.

Another factor I like about it is that it keeps gemini meta discussions on gemini. I really like that.



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