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/____/\___/____/____/   \___/ /_/     \___/ /_/



Estabilishing Connection...

So... It begins.

This is, roughly, the start of my journey on Geminispace. I've been exploring for a little while, intrigued by the concept. I'm new to "smolnet" too, so this has been a real trip.


Yesterday I had a great conversation with my cousin. Gemini was a topic.

Ever since learning about it I've been telling everyone to go check it out. And so, I suggested he should start too. There's a lot of insteresting stuff around, but you do have to go look for it. I thought fair to let him know content doesn't just fall on your lap around here.

Shortly after starting my journey through Geminispace, I started to look for ways to set up my own capsule. That took me to the main circumlunar Colonies. What a great thing, I thought!

Sadly, the main ones, Zaibatsu, MSSC Republic and MCSS Regency were either at capacity or apparently out of comission. I'm still learning how to look for content properly myself and, altought there's a lot of communities around, I couldn't find anything that seemed to be quite like the Colonies. Granted, that's likely on me for lack of proper searching.

Eventually the subject became about what kind of content to put out there. I'm developing a MUD, so my first thought was about that. I've been wanting to get a devlog up and running and why have a website for it when I can have a gemini capsule and, if necessary proxy it to HTTP?

Seeing the Colonies full, I thought it'd be cool if I could host capsules for other people too. Maybe even gather some like-minded people and start a MUD-centric community around here. We all love text after all!

So it was that we came to a conclusion.

And with it a decision.

The Decision

Create our own place in Geminispace.

Not just personal capsules, launch our own Station. The OrionStation¹!

And with it, expand gemini's frontiers a *smol* bit!

Eventually, offer capsule hosting and a public machine à-la tildes/pubnixes for a limited number of registered users and together build the tools that will compose the Station. That'll be the first step to populate the Orion Constellation and settle OrionSpace¹.

And then...

So it was decided the I, Beetledjuice, would start working on settling OrionSpace¹.

To achieve that goal I started building OrionStation¹. The Station is to be somewhat similar to the Circumlunar Colonies. And I plan to eventually offer free capsule hosting for people who want an easy way to get their content out to gemini and be a part of a new community.

Ad astra, spacer.


¹What started as OrionStation, with a conceptual "OrionSpace" around it, is now the OSS-Betelgeuse with an actual Oriean Space around it. The project is a lot more tangible now. I switched domains in favor of a more pertinent and, frankly, sane structure.

More details on Orion Transmission tID#003:

Orion Transmission tID#003--Shaking things up

Where to go from here?

Oriean Space

Orion Transmissions