Jorge Sanz | 2023-05-03 | 430 words
April was a month with quite a few things. We did not get out for the Easter week but since Valencia celebrated this year not only Monday Easter but also the three following Mondays, we leveraged that to spend the less crowded following weekend. We rented a small rural apartment in Gàtova, a small town in the near mountains. We also kept our regular visits to the Carmen Cultural Center, spent a bit of time in the annual Valencia's kite festival and ended the month with a couple of family gatherings.
The exhibition kites in the Malvarossa beach
4000 meals were served on this festivity
I'm getting my old apartment painted and ready for rent, but not being in Aldaia makes things slower. Hopefully we can get it ready to show this month.
Finally April also was about visiting schools for next year. We went to the ones that are more likely to be assigned to Bernat, but at the end it will be all about demographics and luck. This won't be solved until June or July so we now have to just sit and wait.
Alejandra Soler school has very nice classrooms
Not much to highlight on the professional side. We got announced that our "Shut it Down Days" will continue for the following fiscal year, but only one Friday per month, which is half of what we had since COVID started but still a nice to have.
In April we had our first "Geoalmuerzo" for Geoinquietos Valencia. For a long time the only meet ups we were doing where always in the evening. We decided to do something different and meet in a nice restaurant near the beach, to have a small meal together. I even brought Bernat with me. No one took any pictures to share, I'm afraid 😅.
This month I read the first three books of the Earthsea series by Ursula K Legin.
I will keep reading the series for the upcoming weeks. I got The Books of Earthsea[4] in digital format, but I think this is a book I'd like to get in paper, maybe even in Spanish so I can read this to Bernat someday, even this is more a book for teenagers, I don't know.
A selection of non-musical podcasts from this month:
The concept of a now page was created by Derek Sivers[8], more details about now pages at[9].