You descend a maze of stairs...

Topics herein include (in no particular order and with no particular attention to frequency) OpenBSD, music, Perl, programming, software, Common LISP, vi, C, cooking and the oxford comma. If you see something that is not English it is probably Lojban.

.i ganai do jimpe dei gi rinsa

Indented things are generally code, or examples of unix command line inputs and output, which may be familiar if you grew up on O'Reilly books, or otherwise alien. These could also be random "ASCII" art from when I have a fancy to fool around with chafa.

    $ echo coi

With these tiresome details out of the way, now to the subsections.

Random artwork

le blog


Recipes and thoughts on fooding

Not really a gamer, unless the game is free and runs on OpenBSD


Some random compositions and other music related material

Mostly some links at this point

More a sysadmin, but I've written some software

Technology writing. Lots of this is also on le blog

Poetry, translations, and where most of the lojban is


It's a picture! Remember those, from the old web?


test test 1 2 3


I may lurk on and other IRC networks as thrig. The handle is a typo of the name of a character in "Code of the Lifemaker" by James P. Hogan, which is probably more than you ever wanted to know. In my defense, I was young at the time.


There's a misfin server running on this host. Like the email addresses hidden in the PGP keys, I'll let the clever figure out how to use it, or the digital equivalent of a sage|curmudgeon hiding somewhere off in the mountains.



PGP Keys can accept email, but may have problems sending mail as it is a fairly new domain and may not be trusted. Seems to work, so far? The CPAN key is for Perl module signing; I have disabled forwarding for the CPAN address because it relays too much spam (where S > 0).

pgp/ address

Gmail address

CPAN module signing key




Google has been doing some eyebrow rasing things of late, so I probably should ditch gmail sooner rather than later. (Regulatory scrutiny and a return to the 90% or higher tax rate on the top might help, but such modest improvements seem unlikely at present. Therefore...)



I'm mostly not on the web, these days.

CPAN modules


Wow, still with me? These pages probably need a license, so let's go with the Zero-Clause BSD for the code and shell command line examples, CC0 for everything else, unless the document in question says otherwise.