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                            – where capsuleers hang out –

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πŸ‘½ martin

I was at a creative networking event last night for the first time in ages. I forgot how good it is meeting and chatting to new people and finding out about their lives, goals and challenges. Need to do more of that!

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 4 hours ago

πŸ‘½ ivanodin

One thing I hate about snaps: They update packages WAY to silently. Brave is updating and there is no indication of it other than the snap list shows as disabled. Or am I missing something?

πŸ’¬ 1 Reply Β· 1 Thumb Β· 7 hours ago

πŸ‘½ resetreboot

So... I impulse bought this https://watchy.sqfmi.com The Watchy smartwatch. As someone that loves his Pebble... this has a lot of potential. Maybe make it work with GadgetBridge and get notifications on it? Add an alarm? A calendar? We'll see!

πŸ’¬ 3 Replies Β· 2 Thumbs Β· 12 hours ago

πŸ‘½ fripster

Small follow up to my Mental Health day yesterday.... What a difference a day makes! Today I had lots more energy for work and it really made a difference. I should listen to my body and mind more, instead of just "getting it done". Have a nice evening all.

πŸ’¬ 1 Reply Β· 9 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ martin

🎬 New video, complete with guest appearance by a PB! This one's about what I get from the gym and why it has been part of my life for the last 10+ years. I had to eat especially for this one, but it was worth it. πŸ‘ https://youtu.be/Nf_4mABFh9w

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 3 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ clearsym

HiiGeminispace! Does anybody have recommendation for privacy-friendly webhosters that offer dedicated servers?

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ js0000

thinking of using a static site generator ... i like hugo but not sure (yet) if it puts out gemtext any ideas for something to use for both http & gemini?

πŸ’¬ 4 Replies Β· 2 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ tm85

A week ish since I deleted Reddit (or rather Apollo). Only now realising how unhealthy it was for me. Anyone have any neat RSS feeds?

πŸ’¬ 4 Replies Β· 2 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ mathpunk

Does anyone here have experience with gaming on Linux? I hear that steam games tend to be more reliable thanks to Proton, but GOG is my preferred retailer, and I've been told that games from GOG can be finicky unless they run in DOSBox. I have to decide whether or not I want to dual boot with windows or go pure Linux.

πŸ’¬ 7 Replies Β· 2 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ smokey

as much as I am suspicious of new and especially cloud based technology run by corporations, I will hand it to openAI that ChatGPT is proving to be an extremely useful tool this past week. I'm a little late to the AI party, its amazing how far chatbot technology has come since ol' cleverbot. a virtual assistant that knows answers to everything you would ever want to ask and can feed that information to you in a easily digestable human friendly way. I don't want to know how many thousands of knowledge databases it had to be trained on.

πŸ’¬ 5 Replies Β· 1 Thumb Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ acidus

So there are more unique finger URL links in Geminispace than unique Spartan URL links. (69 vs 46). πŸ€”. Perhaps I should be indexing finger πŸ˜‚ The challenge is "crawling" finger since a human can tell when a response is just a list of user names to query but the diversity of responses makes that hard to program. Maybe I should feed it to a LLVM? "Hey ChatGPT this is the output of a finger response. What words are usernames?"

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 1 day ago

πŸ‘½ beetledjuice

Server going down for a while. Currently painting the place, had to unplug a bunch of things. Be right back!

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ fripster

Took a mental health day from work today... Just too tired to do any good work today. Had it coming the last few days. Starting at 8:00 and then being already burnt out at 14:00... As always I feel a bit guilty, but I also know that I must learn to put my (mental) health first. This is better in the long run for all, including my employer. I am enjoying the sun and charging my batteries...

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 7 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ dimkr

What should I read after Neuromancer and Burning Chrome?

πŸ’¬ 8 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ galacteek

galacteek now supports gopher. In the near future it will also be possible to have interactive, dynamic p2p gemini capsules, that is, be able to submit content (via gemini input requests) to an ipfs gemini capsule, making it possible to post comments, etc ...

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 2 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ mathpunk

I'm taking the first step to finally getting caught up on my classwork again: spending hours writing a highly organized and needlessly detailed to-do list in org mode instead of actually doing any of my assignments.

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ satch

I will be away from the Internet for 10 days starting tomorrow. If anyone is willing to water my plant for me I would be very grateful. gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/app/visit/9ac5307a45a14bca8293ae9ea18eb201

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ threkk

Starting another side project while the previous one looks at me with mean eyes. This one is more on the design side, which is very much out of my comfort zone. Let’s see how it goes or if it ends up in the box with the other unfinished ones πŸ™ˆ

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 1 Thumb Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ mathpunk

Got some political crapmail today that claims that a local politician plans to give free heroin to criminals. I don't think they're going to get the reaction out of me that they seem to think this will get out of me.

πŸ’¬ 1 Reply Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ zero

@iam I don't know who you are but thank you very much for watering my plant on astrobotany. I did not have the time to do it for the past couple of days and rushed there tonight just to find out it has plenty of water ! what a good surprise. Thank you again.

πŸ’¬ 1 Reply Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 2 days ago

πŸ‘½ akselmo


πŸ’¬ 6 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 3 days ago

πŸ‘½ js0000

openbsd on pinebook would not boot (also mounting sd card more difficult than it needs to be) ... want to throw out pinebook now considering just using old dell (running openbsd, just using a different account for personal computing) computers (can) suck

πŸ’¬ 1 Reply Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 3 days ago

πŸ‘½ userfxnet

is anyone here an SDF member? is it down for everyone? I keep trying different Wi-Fi connections across town n I can’t get a connection to it, plus downforeveryoneorjustme cant detect it either but I also kinda wonder if it’s a local DNS thing in case that’s a sitch that makes sense?

πŸ’¬ 6 Replies Β· 1 Thumb Β· 3 days ago

πŸ‘½ mathpunk

Something that's hitting me now that I've been away from social media for a while: recommendation algorithms were NEVER good. Consciously, I knew that. They make money through ads which means keeping your eyes on the screen, which can mean explicitly pissing you off or upsetting you as much as it can mean "finding posts you might like," if not moreso. But only now is it hitting me, emotionally, how fucking ridiculous it is to avoid watching videos you haven't already seen in case you get weeks and weeks of trash you don't want to see because you dared watch 1 unfamiliar video. What the fuck

πŸ’¬ 11 Replies Β· 4 Thumbs Β· 3 days ago

πŸ‘½ threkk

A bit of old news but I passed my exam with 89/100 points :D

πŸ’¬ 3 Replies Β· 9 Thumbs Β· 4 days ago

πŸ‘½ martin

Welcome back to the desk, USB fan. It was a long winter, but your services are once again required.

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 4 Thumbs Β· 4 days ago

πŸ‘½ ttocsneb

I may have just pulled a GitLab and rm -rf'ed all my movies from my jellyfin server 🀦

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 4 days ago

πŸ‘½ anthrax

It's been obvious from me not being around but I'm taking a little hiatus 'cause I'm doing a lot worse with coping than I expected. Thanks for the VPN recommendations and sorry for not responding to anything. I'll be back when me and the girlfriend finish watching Vampire Diaries.

πŸ’¬ 2 Replies Β· 0 Thumbs Β· 4 days ago

πŸ‘½ fripster

Found Station today.... and after some hesitation decided to join. Let's see where this brings us. I am from the Netherlands and have been running a gopher server (fripster.ydns.eu) for a few years now. Have a nice day!

πŸ’¬ 4 Replies Β· 8 Thumbs Β· 5 days ago

πŸ‘½ resetreboot

Two years since I created this account? No way! Anyway, I've been doing the tinylog thing, but I guess it doesn't harm to dust off this and keep reading what you guys have to say.

πŸ’¬ 0 Replies Β· 1 Thumb Β· 5 days ago

Docking Bay Activity

✨ juno docked ⏱ 6 hours ago

✨ clearsym docked ⏱ 2 days ago

✨ endy docked ⏱ 3 days ago

✨ fripster docked ⏱ 5 days ago

✨ mediocregopher docked ⏱ 6 days ago

✨ galacteek docked ⏱ 6 days ago

✨ morgan docked ⏱ 6 days ago

✨ jeang3nie docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ ernstl docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ nano docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ akselmo docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ murdock docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ raptly docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ addison docked ⏱ 2 weeks ago

✨ winduptoy docked ⏱ 2 weeks ago

Station Diagnostics

πŸ‘₯ Docked: 1082 Β· πŸ’¬ Logs: 4489 Β· πŸ• Activity: 1 hour ago Β· πŸ•— Uptime: 3 weeks