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~:[✧*cιииι'ƨ cσяиɛя*✧]:~

=(^-w-^)= cinni says...

" welcome to my lil space on the gem =(^•ω•^//)=
this place seems cozy. i hope you don't mind
me taking a smol nap over there..."

      |\      _,,,---,,_
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  Felix Lee 


=(^-w-^)= <"about me n other general stuff!">

🎔 *✧ about me <3 *✧

🗨 *✧ gemlog <3 *✧

✎ *✧ doodles <3 *✧

★ *✧ reading club <3 *✧

❀ *✧ my shrines <3 *✧

♫ *✧ my playlists <3 *✧

♫ *✧ radio station (new!!) <3 *✧

❦ *✧ ASCII gallery <3 *✧

✿ *✧ download my bitmap font? <3 *✧


❀ *✧ my guestbook.. ♡ *✧



⠀∧ _ ∧
( * •ω•*) ♡
( ヘっcヘ ♡
と_(-ω-`_ )⌒)_ 


=(^-w-^)= <"possibly gemini's first webcomic?">

✿ *✧ jade's town: index <3 *✧

✿ *✧ chapter 1 <3 *✧

✿ *✧ chapter 2 <3 *✧


       :\     /;               _
      ;  \___/  ;             ; ;
     ,:-"'   `"-:.            / ;
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_:>((  |  ) (  |  ))<:_ ,-""_,"
    \`````   `````/""""",-""
     '-.._ v _..-'      )
       / ___   ____,..  \
      / /   | |   | ( \. \
ctr  / /    | |    | |  \ \
     `"     `"     `"    `"


=(^-w-^)= <"hop to other parts of the geminiverse~">

☺ *✧ cinni's curated capsule collection <3 *✧

*✧ my astrobotany <3 *✧

*✧ my station <3 *✧

*✧ weather forecast <3 *✧

*✧ ✨LEO orbit💫 *✧






=(^-w-^)= <"if ur reading this i luv u <3 nya~">

the curent time and date is..

Fri Jun 16 2023 15:54:36 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

(ooh ahh cinni is using javascript on gemini ooooh)

 / \                             \.
|   |                            |.
 \_ |                            |.
    |   1.9.23: happy new year!  |.
    |   my capsule is 1 yrs old  |.
    |    added a radio station!  |.
    |                            |.
    |   8.22.22: chapter 2 of    |.
    |   my webcomic is done!     |.
    |                            |.
    |   3.30.22: new guestbook!  |.
    |     thank u ocean!! ♡:D    |.
    |                            |.
    |   3.6.22: added myself     |.
    |    to the leo orbit! ♡︎     |.
    |                            |.
    |   3.4.22: added a page     |.
    |    for my playlists! ^-^   |.
    |                            |.
    |   3.3.22: links.gmi was    |.
    |    finally updated! ^-^    |.
    |                            |.
    |   2.3.22: index.gmi was    |.
    |    given a lil facelift    |.
    |                            |.
    |   1.9.22: cinni's capsule  |.
    |        was created!        |.
    |                            |.
    |            ,-,-.           |.
    |           / (_o \          |.
    |           \ o ) /          |.
    |            `-'-'           |.
    |   _________________________|___
    |  /                            /.

xoxo - cinni @-->---