2008-04-10 10:45:19
Italian opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi has claimed that right-wing female
politicians are better looking than their left-wing counterparts.
Mr Berlusconi, the centre-right's candidate in elections this weekend, was
quoted as telling local media that the left had "no taste" in women.
The conservative leader has a long record of making outlandish comments.
His remarks provoked an angry reaction from the centre-left, which accused him
of being sexist.
Mr Berlusconi was quoted as saying that when he looked round parliament, he
found that female politicians from the right were "more beautiful".
"The left has no taste, even when it comes to women," the 71-year-old was
quoted as saying.
Last year, Mr Berlusconi was forced to apologise to his wife for flirting with
other women after she demanded a public apology.
He has promised to name at least four women in his cabinet if he is elected as
prime minister for a third time.
Posted: 2008273@564.66
V nstern har fulare kvinnor enligt Berlusconi
Publicerad: 10 april 2008, 09.30. Senast ndrad: 10 april 2008, 09.59
Den italienska oppositionsledaren Silvio Berlusconi tycker att kvinnliga h
gerpolitiker r snyggare n sina kvinnliga v nstermotst ndare.
Uttalandet har provocerat den italienska v nstern som anklagar den frispr kige
h gerpolitikern f r sexism.
Det var i den g ngna helgen som Berlusconi sa att den italienska v nstern inte
hade n gon bra smak n r det g ller kvinnor. Efter en genomg ng av f rsamlingen
i parlamentet konstaterade han att kvinnliga h gerpolitiker helt enkelt var
vackrare n sina motst ndare p v sterflanken.
Och det r inte f rsta g ngen Berlusconi hamnar i bl sv der p grund av sina
kvinnohistorier. F rra ret tvingades han be sin fru om urs kt efter att ha
flirtat med andra kvinnor offentligt.
Men Berlusconi tycks inte l ta sig skr mmas av kritiken. Ist llet tar han tillf
llet i akt och lovar att utn mna tminstone fyra kvinnliga ministrar om han v
ljs till landets premi rminister i det kommande valet, uppger BBC.