________________________________________________________________________ M M GG IIIIIIIII M M M M G G I M M M M G I M M M M aaaa G GGGG I M M M a a G GGGG I M M a a G G I M M aaaa G G I M M GGGGGGG IIIIIIIII ________________________________________________________________________ The Mage's Guide to the Internet (MaGI) Edited by Tyagi Nagasiva VERSION: This is Version 2.0, issued 940429. ________________________________________________________________________ LOCATION: The Mage's Guide to the Internet may be obtained at the following sites via anonymous FTP: coombs.anu.edu.au /coombspapers/otherarchives /electronic-buddhist-archives/buddhism-general /e-resources/mages-guide-internet-v-2.txt ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/magick/Net/mage_guide2 ftp.netcom.com /pub/caw/mage-guide2 etext.archive.umich.edu /pub/Quartz/occult/mages-guide2 heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/resources/mage_guide2.txt slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/magick/MaGI2 and on the following file sites: gopher://una.hh.lib.umich.edu/00/inetdirsstacks/magick%3anagasiva http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/sk4p/om ________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Introduction I. Magick and Related 1. Message-based Connections (Email and Posts) PRIVATE EMAIL (Individuals and Groups) PUBLIC GROUPS Listserv/Other (Email Groups) Usenet (Posts to Newsgroups) 2. Telnet Magical Links (Posts and Live) BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS (BBSs) (via Telnet) (Posts and Live) INTERNET RELAY CHAT (IRC) (Server via Telnet) (Live) MULTI-USER DIMENSIONS (MU*s) (Posts and Live) 3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (Files) SITE ADDRESSES (Files) 4. Other Servers (Files and Text) GOPHERS (Files and Text) WAIS - Wide Area Info. Service (Files) WFS - Waffle File Server (Files) WWW - World-Wide Web (Files and Text) 5. Epublications/Eguides (Miscellaneous) II. Mysticism and Related III. General Appendices A. FTP File Structures Magick and Related etext.archive.umich.edu /pub/Quartz/occult ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/magick heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/topy slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/magick wiretap.spies.com /Library/Fringe Mysticism and Related coombs.anu.edu.au .../electronic-buddhist-archives ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/pagan ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/zen ftp.netcom.com /pub/dharma B. The OMNet - Foundation Document C. Divination Web II - Information ________________________________________________________________________ Introduction The production of the Mage's Guide to the Internet (MaGI) is currently the major function of the OMNet, the Occult and Mysticism Network, which works to facilitate the exchange of esoteric materials, especially those of a magical or mystical nature. The OMNet is a nonsectarian organization and the MaGI serves the needs of those with particular as well as general interests, while it sets the stage for interdisciplinary studies within the Internet and beyond. With the advent of Mosaic and the World-Wide Web (WWW), it may become easier to maintain a continually-updated version of this document, accessible via Gopher, FTP and maybe even email-response. As the OMNet grows in membership and activity, it will begin to support other projects, such as coordinating between file sites and discussion groups. See Appendix B for more information about the OMNet. Version 2.0 of the Mage's Guide to the Internet does *not* replace Version 1.0, though it supercedes it. The reasoning behind this is that Version 1.0 is *much* wider in scope, including quite a lot of information about diverse groups (e.g. Subgenius, Discordian, etc.) which Version 2.0 bypasses completely in favor of the purposes and scope of OMNet. If you have comments or queries regarding the *contents* of the MaGI, please send email to the address below. The OMNet is here to serve you, the interested public, and so am I here to serve the OMNet. Yours faithfully, Tyagi Nagasiva (Tyagi@HouseofKaOs.Abyss.com) Editor, Mage's Guide to the Internet (MaGI) ss, Occult and Mysticism Network (OMNet) ________________________________________________________________________ I. Magick and Related 1. Message-based Connections (Email and Posts) PRIVATE EMAIL (Individuals and Groups) These are individuals or groups who are representing some organization (O), publication (P), social or study group (S): AutonomatriX, Guild of Chaos Magickians (O) ** pali151@netcom.com (Tzimon Yliaster) Occult and Mysticism Network (OMNet/MaGI) (O/P) ** Tyagi@HouseofkaOs.Abyss.com (Tyagi Nagasiva, ss) WWW: http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/sk4p/om Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) (O) ** 72105.1351@cis.com (Bill Heidrick, GTG; Internet contact) ** bheidrick@aol.com (Same as above; Secondary contact address) Phanes Press (O) ** phanes.aol (David Fideler; Esoteric Studies, Publishing) Temple Ov Psychick Youth (TOPY; O) ** alamut@netcom.com (!MaX! Delysid; USA; North American contact) FTP: heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/topy PUBLIC GROUPS Listserv/Other (Email Groups) Note for Mailing Lists Unless otherwise specified, send the following one line email message, making sure that he subject line is blank: SUBSCRIBE _______________________________ FORMAT: ** Group Topic {2: Second List} (List Name; Extended List Name; Reference) Subscription: subscription@email.address (alternate means of subscribing) Reference: contact@email.address (Contact Name, Organization) Additional references (FTP Sites, WWW, etc.) ________________________________ ** Astrology (ASTROL-L) Subscription: listserv.brufpb.bitnet Reference: merskine@acacia.itd.uts.edu.au (Merci Erskine-Richmond) ** Hebrew Language (HEBLANG) Subscription: listserv@israel.nysernet.org Reference: ajax@judy.indstate.edu (Yesod Aia) ** History and Theory of the Occult (ARCANA) Subscription: listserv@unccvm.uncc.edu (text: SUB ARCANA ) Reference: owner-arcana@unccvm.uncc.edu ** Tarot and Qabalah (BOTA-L; Builders of the Adytum) Subscription: listserv@netcom.com (text: SUBSCRIBE BOTA-L ) Reference: andrewb@netcom.com (Andy Bender) ** Thelema Subscription: thelema-list-request+@andrew.cmu.edu (subj.: SUBSCRIBE ) Reference: knightster+@cmu.edu (Shawn Knight) ** Thelema {2} Subscription: sarkis@luna.cas.usf.edu Moderator: sarkis@luna.cas.usf.edu (Marianne Sarkis) Usenet (Posts to Newsgroups) ** alt.magick; FAQ: none (various posted subFAQs) EgyptianGodsFAQ; GoldenDawnFAQ; KabbalahFAQ Kreeping FAQ; Magick-oriented Fiction List, NecronomiconFAQ, Old FAQ, SLOPOKE Overview ** alt.magick.chaos; FAQ: posted Reference: ashton@netcom.com (AShTON, Demon) ** alt.magick.sex ** alt.astrology; FAQ: FTP - hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au /pub/astrology Reference: lmpm@oldcolo.com (Maggie McPherson) ** alt.divination ** alt.dreams ** alt.dreams.lucid ** alt.folklore.herbs ** alt.magic (STAGE MAGIC); FAQ: 4 Parts; posted Reference: mike@vpnet.chi.il.us (Michael Kamlet) ** alt.necromicon {SIC} ** alt.out-of-body ** alt.tarot; FAQ: none TarotFAQ: danburg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Mark Danburg-Wyld) 2. Telnet Magical Links (Posts and Live) INTERNET RELAY CHAT (IRC) (Server via Telnet) (Live) Channels ** Consistent: #magick; #omnet; #psimagick; #thelema ** Intermittent: #babel; #oto; #tarot MULTI-USER DIMENSIONS (MU*s) (Posts and Live) ** Diversity University (erau.db.erau.edu 8888) Rooms: OMNet Node (#3517); Hall of Occult and Mystical Studies (#3328) Reference: gsswky@menudo.uh.edu (Jeanne) ** Divination Web II (bill.math.uconn.edu 9393) OMNet Node: create/connect; 'om' Reference: Tyagi@HouseofKAos.Abyss.com (Hsi.Wang.Mu/Tyagi Nagasiva) ** LambdaMOO (lambda.parc.xerox.com 8888) Rooms: OMNet Node (#80167); Magic Dept. (#1401) MOOMaillist: *psionics Reference: lambda@parc.xerox.com (Lambda/Pavel Curtis) 3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (Files) NOTE: LOGIN AS ANONYMOUS, PASSWORD IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. SITE ADDRESSES Astrology ** hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au /pub/astrology Reference: bulmer@hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au (Michael Bulmer) General Occult/Magick ** etext.archive.umich.edu (red.css.itd.umich.edu) /pub/Quartz/occult Reference: ftp@etext.archive.umich.edu (Paul Southworth) ** ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/magick Reference: ceci@lysator.liu.se (Ceci Henningsson) ** slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/magick Reference: john@mlb.semi.harris.com (John M. Blasik) Mirror: nic.funet.fi /pub/doc/magick ** wiretap.spies.com /Library/Fringe/Occult, Library/Fringe/Weird Reference: dell@wiretap.spies.com (Thomas Dell) Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) ** heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/topy Reference: alamut@netcom.com (!MaX! Delysid) 4. Other Servers (Files and Text) GOPHERS (Files and Text) ** wiretap.spies.com /Library/Fringe Reference: dell@wiretap.spies.com (Thomas Dell) WWW - World-Wide Web (Login: www) (Files and Text) Magick, General ** http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/sk4p/om Reference: knightster+@cmu.edu (Shawn Knight) 5. Epublications/Eguides (Miscellaneous) ** The Dark Side of the Net (Various Fun Things) Subscription: carriec@eskimo.com (text: SUBSCRIBE Dark Side ) Reference: carriec@eskimo.com (Carrie Carolin) ** Mage's Guide to the Internet (MaGI) VERSION 1.0 (A Mage's Guide to the Internet - AMGI) FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu /pub/Quartz/occult/mages-guide ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/magick/Net/mage_guide heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/resources/mageguide.930429 gopher://una.hh.lib.umich.edu/00/inetdirsstacks/magick%3anigris http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/sk4p/om VERSION 2.0 (THIS FILE) SEE THE BEGINNING OF THIS FILE UNDER 'LOCATION' ** Transmissions (Temple ov Psychick Youth, Epub) Subscription: alamut@netcom.com (!MaX! Delysid) FTP: heimdall.riapub.com /pub/alamut/topy/transmissions --------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Mysticism and Related 1. Message-based Connections (Email and Posts) PRIVATE EMAIL (Individuals and Groups) These are individuals or groups who are representing some organization (O), publication (P), social or study group (S): Neopaganism Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions (AMER; O) ** c24884cc@wuvmd.wustl.edu (Chris Carlisle) Bay Area Pagan Assemblies (BAPA; O - San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA) ** jlr@netcom.com (Joe L. Reda, BAPA President) Church of All Worlds (CAW; O/P) ** greenegg@mcimail.com ('Green Egg' Magazine; Otter G'Zell, Publisher and CAW Primate; Diane Darling, Green Egg Editrix) ** tomwillm@netcom.com (Tom Williams, CAW President) ** dhummer@netcom.com (Joy Williams, Official Net CAWntact) FTP: ftp.netcom.com /pub/caw EarthSpirit Community (ESC; S) ** thud@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Ted Thibodeau, Tech Guru) Pagan Census Project (O) ** thud@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Ted Thibodeau, Internet contact) Pagan Educational Network (PEN; O) ** kag1@postoffice2.mail.cornell.edu (Kris, Ithaca contact) Ring of Troth (Germanic Paganism - Asatru) (O) ** mimir@illuminati.io.com (Al Billings AKA Grendel Grettisson) Satanism Temple of Set (ToS; O) ** 3143953@mcimail.com (ToS Executive Director) ** 2784041@mcimail.com (Michael Aquino, High Priest) PUBLIC GROUPS Listserv/Other (Email Groups) Note for Mailing Lists Unless otherwise specified, send the following one line email message, making sure that he subject line is blank: SUBSCRIBE _______________________________ FORMAT: ** Group Topic {2: Second List} (List Name; Extended List Name; Reference) Subscription: subscription@email.address (alternate means of subscribing) Reference: contact@email.address (Contact Name, Organization) Additional references (FTP Sites, WWW, etc.) ________________________________ ** Buddhism, General (BUDDHIST) Subscription: listserv@jpntuvm0.bitnet Reference: kawazoe@jpntohok.bitnet (Yoshiyuki Kawazoe) ** Buddhism, Zen (The Universal Zendo) Subscription: zendo-request@lysator.liu.se Reference: zendo-owner@lysator.liu.se ** Buddhism, Zen {2} (ZENBUDDHISM-L) Subscription: majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au (subj: SUBSCRIBE ZENBUDDHISM-L ) Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T. Matthew Ciolek) ** Carlos Castaneda Subscription: castaneda-request@austin.bsdi.com Reference: sanders@bsdi.com (Tony Sanders) ** Christianity, Anglican (ANGLICAN) Subscription: listserv@auvm.bitnet Reference: anglican-owner@mejac.palo-alto.ca.us (Brian Reid) ** Christianity, Catholic (CATHOLIC) Subscription: listserv@auvm.bitnet References: cms@dragon.com (Cindy Smith) cts@dragon.com (Charles Smith) ** Christianity, Eastern Orthodox (EOCHR-L) Subscription: listserv@qucdn.bitnet Reference: zionr@qucdn.queensu.ca (Rhoda Zion) ** Christianity, Global (GLOBLX-L) Subscription: listserv@qucdn.bitnet Reference: vanloong@qucdn.bitnet (G. Vanloon) ** Christianity, Late Antiquity (ELENCHUS) Subscription: listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca References: gbloomq@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (Gregory Bloomquist) jkcxw@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (Kevin Coyle) ** Christianity, Liturgy (LITURGY) Subscription: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Reference: m.a.fraser@durham.ac.uk (Michael Fraser) Archives: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk (text: HELP) ** Christianity, Orthodox (ORTHODOX) Subscription: listserv@iubvm.bitnet Reference: anachem@ucs.indiana.edu (Rev Dcn Mark Gilstrap) ** Christianity, Visions (VISIONS) Subscription: listserv@ubvm.bitnet Reference: pruss@math.ubc.ca (Alexander Pruss) ** Contemplative Life, Thomas Merton (MERTON-L) Subscriptions to listserv@byrd.mu.wvnet.edu. Reference: estepp@byrd.mu.wvnet.edu (Ermel Stepp, Ex. Dir., The Merton Resch. Institute) ** Eckankar Subscription: button@jug.eng.sun.com (text: ) Reference: Russ.Button@Eng.Sun.COM (Russ Button) ** Gnosis/Marifat Subscription: gnosis-admin@netcom.com Reference: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards) ** Hesse (HESSE-L; Herman) Subscription: listserv@ucsbvm.bitnet Reference: gs01gott@humanitas.ucsb.edu (Gunther Gottschalk) ** Judaism, First Century (IOUDAIOS-L) Subscription: listserv@lehigh.edu Reference: dreimer@ox.ac.uk (David Reimer) ** Judaism, General and Databases (JU-DA) Subscription: listserv@barilvm.bitnet Reference: schild@bimacs.cs.biu.ac.il (Uri. J. Schild) ** Judaism, Liberal (LIBERAL-JUDAISM) Subscription: liberal-judaism@israel.nysernet.org, Reference: faigin@israel.nysernet.org (Daniel P. Faigin) ** Krishnamurti (LISTENING-L) Subscriptions: listserv@zrz.tu-berlin.de Reference: owner-listening-l@zrz.tu-berlin.de ** Mind Machines (MIND-L) Subscription: mind-l-request@asylum.sf.ca.us Reference: romkey@asylum.sf.ca.us (John Romkey) ** Neopaganism, General Subscription: uther+pagan-request@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu Reference: uther@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (Stacey Greenstein) FTP: drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (user:anonymous.pagan.archive.volumeN [where N is 1-4]) ** Neopaganism, General {2} Subscription: paganism-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu ** Neopaganism, Germanic (Asatru) (TROTH; 'The Troth Line') Subscription: listproc@indial1.io.com Reference: mimir@illuminati.io.com (Al Billings AKA Grendel Grettisson) ** Neopaganism, Solitary (BRANCH-D; Solitary Pagan Practicioner Digest) Subscription: listserv@irlearn.bitnet Reference: tweaver@curia.ucc.ie (Tannaqui Weaver) ** Philosophy, Ancient (SOPHIA) Subscription: listserv@liverpool.ac.uk Reference: srlclark@liverpool.ac.uk (Stephen Clark) ** Philosophy and History of Western Traditions (ALEXANDRIA) Subscription: majordomo@world.std.com (text: SUBSCRIBE ALEXANDRIA) Reference: phanes@aol.com (David Fideler, Phanes Press) ** Philosophy, Blake (William) Subscription: blake-request@albion.com (subj.: SUBSCRIBE ) Reference: seth@albion.com (Seth T. Ross) ** Philosophy, General (and particular philosophers) Subscription: majordomo@world.std.com (text: SUBSCRIBE PHILOSOPHY ) (text: SUBSCRIBE <'philosopher'> ) (Philosopher examples: Aristotle, Emptiness [Buddhism] Plato, Plato-Republic, Plotinus) Reference: palmer@netcom.com (Kent Palmer) ** Philosophy, Religious Epistemology (BRIDGE-L) Subscription: listserv@ucsbvm.bitnet Reference: origin@coyote.rain.org (Bruce Schuman) ** Quakers (QUAKER-L; Religious Society of Friends) Subscription: listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu Reference: owner-quaker-l@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu ** Religion, Feminist (FEMREL-L) Subscription: listserv@mizzou1.bitnet Reference: c497487@mizzou1.bitnet (Cathy Quick) ** Religion, General (RELIGION) Subscription: listserv@harvarda.harvard.edu Reference: tbry@harvarda.harvard.edu (Tim Bryson) ** Religion, Oral Traditions (ORTRAD-L) Subscription: listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu Reference: csottime@mizzou1.bitnet (John Foley) ** Religion, Social Scientific Study (SSREL-L) Subscription: listserv@utkvm1.utk.edu Reference: ploch@utkvx.utk.edu (Donald R. Ploch) ** Setianism: Moderated Temple of Set Discussion (XEPERA-L) Subscription: listserv@astaroth.sacbbx.com (text: SUBSCRIBE XEPERA) Reference: jyouril@astaroth.sacbbx.com (John Youril) FTP: ftp.netcom.com /pub/jyouril/tos ** Sufism (Sufi; Muslim) Subscription: sufi-request@world.std.com (text: SUBSCRIBE SUFI ) Reference: palmer@netcom.com (Kent Palmer) ** Sufism (Tariqas; Universal) Subscription: majordomo@world.std.com Reference: habib@world.std.com (Steve Habib Rose) FTP Archive: ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/tariqas ** Taoism (TAOISM-STUDIES-L) Subscription: majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T.Matthew Ciolek) ** Unitarian Universalists (UUS-L) Subscription: listserv@ubvm.bitnet Reference: uusadm-l@terraluna.org (UUS-L Admin) Usenet (Posts to Newsgroups) ** alt.buddha.short.fat.guy ** alt.consciousness ** alt.folklore.gemstones ** alt.kali.astarte.inanna ** alt.meditation ** alt.meditation.transcendental ** alt.pagan; FAQ: posted Reference: bansidhe@wixer.bga.com (Susan H. Kaczmarczik) ** alt.philosophy.zen ** alt.religion ** alt.religion.all-worlds; FAQ: posted Reference: dl278@cleveland.freenet.edu (William J. Graham) ** alt.religion.gnostic ** alt.religion.quaker ** alt.religion.shamanism ** alt.satanism; FAQ: posted Reference: locklin@phyast.pitt.edu (Lupo the Butcher) ** alt.shamanism ** alt.techno-shamanism ** alt.zen ** soc.religion.bahai; Moderator: srb-request@world.net ** soc.religion.christian; Moderator: christian-request@aramis.rutgers.edu ** soc.religion.eastern; Moderator: sre-request@world.net ** soc.religion.islam; Moderator: religion-islam-request@ncar.ucar.edu ** soc.religion.shamanism; FAQ: posted FAQ.Reference: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards) Moderator: srs-admin@aldhfn.org ** talk.philosophy.misc ** talk.religion.misc ** talk.religion.newage 2. Telnet Mystical Links (Posts and Live) BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS (BBSs) (via Telnet) (Posts and Live) Neopaganism ** IscaBBS bbs.isca.uiowa.edu: J/20 Bible & Christian Issues; 21 Paganism; 168 Eastern Thought ** Prism Hotel BBS bbs.fdu.edu (login BBS): J/Metaphysics ** Quartz BBS quartz.rutgers.edu (login: bbs): Religion Issues/Witches Brew Reference: pirmann@cs.quartz.rutgers.edu (Dave Pirmann) INTERNET RELAY CHAT (IRC) (Server via Telnet) (Live) Channels ** Consistent: #asatru; #atheism; #buddhist; #christ; #christian; #islam; #israel; #jesus; #gospel; #pagan; #scripture; #wicca ** Intermittent: #catholic; #church; #lord; #lucifer; #meditation; #moslem #philosophy; #religion; #satan; #satanism; #tantra; #taoism MULTI-USER DIMENSIONS (MU*s) (Posts and Live) ** Divination Web II (bill.math.uconn.edu 9393) OMNet Node: create/connect; 'om' Reference: Tyagi@HouseofkAoS.Abyss.com (Hsi.Wang.Mu/Tyagi Nagasiva) ** MediaMOO (purple-crayon.media.mit.edu 8888) Rooms: MOOReligion Courtyard (#9571); OMNet Node (#9093) MOOMail List: *Mooreligion Reference: asb@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Amy, Jaime/Amy Bruckman) ** ZenMoo telnet cheshire.oxy.edu 7777 ( 7777) Reference: t_pascal@cheshire.oxy.edu (C. Regis Wilson) FTP: pc4.math.oxy.edu ( /ftp/pub/zenmoo 3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (Files) NOTE: LOGIN AS ANONYMOUS, PASSWORD IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. SITE ADDRESSES (Files) Buddhism and Asian Religions ** coombs.anu.edu.au /coombspapers/otherarchives /electronic-buddhist-archives Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T. Matthew Ciolek) Mirror: ftp.uu.net /doc/papers/coombspapers/ Mirror: gopher.emr.ca /pub/wuarchive/doc/coombspapers/ Mirror: knot.queensu.ca /wuarchive/mirrors/coombspapers/ Mirror: uceng.uc.edu /pub/wuarchive/mirrors/coombspapers/ Mirror: unix.hensa.ac.uk /pub/uunet/doc/papers/coombspapers/ Mirror: wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/doc/coombspapers ** ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/zen Reference: cardell@lysator.liu.se (Miekael Cardell) ** ftp.netcom.com /pub/dharma Reference: dharma@netcom.com (Barry Kapke, Director: DharmaNet) Merton, Thomas (Merton-L Archives, Papers) ** byrd.mu.wvnet.edu /pub/merton Reference: estepp@byrd.mu.wvnet.edu (Ermel Stepp, Ex. Dir., The Merton Resch. Institute) Neopaganism ** drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (user: anonymous.pagan.archive.volumeN [where N is 1-4]) Reference: uther@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (Stacey Greenstein) ** ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/pagan Reference: ceci@lysator.liu.se (Ceci Henningsson) ** ftp.netcom.com /pub/caw Reference: c-a-w@netcom.com (Darren Stalder, Church of All Worlds) Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) ** ftp.clark.net /pub/quaker Reference: daruma@clark.net (George Amoss) Religion, General ** etext.archive.umich.edu (red.css.itd.umich.edu) /pub/religion Reference: ftp@etext.archive.umich.edu (Paul Southworth) ** ftp.funet.fi (nic.funet.fi) /pub/doc/religion Reference: papers-adm@ftp.funet.fi ** panda1.uottawa.ca /pub/religion Reference: 441495@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (Michael Strangelove) ** wiretap.spies.com /Library/Article/Religion; /Library/Religion Reference: dell@wiretap.spies.com (Thomas Dell) Satanism ** etext.archive.umich.edu (red.css.itd.umich.edu) /pub/Quartz/occult/set Reference: ftp@etext.archive.umich.edu (Paul Southworth) ** ftp.netcom.com /pub/jyouril/tos Reference: jyouril@astaroth.sacbbx.com (John Youril) ** slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/magick/thelema/ToS Reference: john@mlb.semi.harris.com (John M. Blasik) Mirror: nic.funet.fi /pub/doc/magick/thelema/ToS 4. Other Servers (Files and Text) GOPHERS (Files and Text) Buddhism and Asian Religions ** coombs.anu.edu.au /Coombspapers FTP Archives (ANU) /otherarchives collection/Electronic Buddhist Archives Archives: Taoism-Studies-L Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T. Matthew Ciolek) Christianity, Catholic/Anglican ** american.edu /Catholic File/ or /Anglican File/ Christianity, Liturgy ** delphi.dur.ac.uk /11/Academic/P-T/Theology Neopaganism ** University of Michigan Library Gopher /humanities resources/philosophy and religion Religion and Philosophy ** riceinfo.rice.edu /Religion and Philosophy (Exhaustive collection of connections to any and every thing related to religion on the internet.) Religion, General ** panda1.uottawa.ca /pub/religion ** wiretap.spies.com /Library/Religion ** world.std.com /obi/Zines/Thinknet Religion, Study Groups ** delphi.dur.ac.uk /Academic Depts/P-T/Theology/Theol. & Computers Religious and Philosophical Studies ** North Carolina State University Library Gopher /library without walls/discipline specific study Texts, Greek ** hg.cwis.uci.edu Texts, Sacred ** ccat.sas.upenn.edu /Text Archives/Search Scriptures/ ** sunsite.unc.edu /Worlds of Sunsite/Religious Texts ** wiretap.spies.com /Wiretap Online Library/Religion ; /Electronic Books; /Fringe WAIS - Wide Area Information Service (Login: swais) (Files) Taoism (Taoism-Studies-L Archives) COOMBSQUEST Social Sciences and Humanities Information Facility ** ANU-Taoism-Studies-L Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T. Matthew Ciolek) WFS - Waffle File Server (Files) Satanism (ToS) ** file-request@brewich.hou.tx.us (The Brewers' Witch BBS) NOTE: Put INDEX on one line and HELP on the next the file server will send you a master list for the BBS Use WFS to request all the TOS files in files/pagan/TOS Reference: donal@brewich.hou.tx.us (Ld. Donal Dub) WWW - World-Wide Web (Login: www) (Files and Text) Christian, Catholic ** http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/web/people/spok/catholic/html Christian, General ** http://saturn.colorado.edu:8080/christain/list.html Meditation ** http://zephyr.usc.edu/home.page/thunder.monkey Reference: info@earthspirit.org Neopaganism ** http://tardis.ed.ac.uk/~feorag/paganlink/plhome.html Reference: feorag@antipope.demon.co.uk (Feorag NiBride) 5. Epublications/Eguides (Miscellaneous) ** 'Contents' (Religion) Subscribe: listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (text: SUBSCRIBE CONTENTS ) Reference: 441495@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (Michael Strangelove) ** 'Electric Mystic's Guide to the Internet...' (Online Religious Reference) FTP: panda1.uottawa.ca ( /pub/religion/ Subscription: listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (text: SUBSCRIBE MYSTICS V1-TXT your name) Reference: 441495@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (Michael Strangelove) ** 'Gassho' (Buddhism) Subscription: dharma@netcom.com FTP: ftp.netcom.com /pub/dharma/Gassho Reference: dharma@netcom.com (Barry Kapke, DharmaNet: Director) Mirror: coombs.anu.edu.au /coombspapers/otherarchives /electronic-buddhist-archives/buddhism-general/e-journals ** 'Hindu Digest' (HINDU-D) Subscripton: listserv@arizvm1.bitnet Reference: editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu (Raj Bhatnagar, Editor) ** 'New Age Journal' Telnet: gopher.internet.com 2100 /11/collected/new_age ** 'Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly' (RCL) FTP: byrd.mu.wvnet.edu /pub/merton/RCL Reference: estepp@byrd.mu.wvnet.edu (Ermel Stepp, Ex. Dir., The Merton Research Inst.) ** 'Yoga Journal' Telnet: gopher.internet.com (login: enews) /2100/11/collected/yoga ===================================================================== III. General Information 1. Message-based Connections (Email and Posts) PRIVATE EMAIL (Individuals/Groups) These are individuals or groups who are representing some organization (O), publication (P), social or study group (S): Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides (O) ** lou@umich.edu (Louis Rosenfeld) WWW: http://www.lib.umich.edu/chhome.html PUBLIC GROUPS (Email and Posts) Listserv/Other (Email Groups) Note for Mailing Lists Unless otherwise specified, send the following one line email message, making sure that he subject line is blank: SUBSCRIBE ** Electronic Publications List (AARPUB-L): listserv@jpnimrtu.bitnet ** Medieval TeX - Philology, ... (MEDTEXT): listserv@uiucvmd.bitnet ** Rare Books and Spcl. Collections Frm. (EXLIBRIS): listserv@rutvm1.bitnet ** Society for Literature and Science (LITSCI-L): listserv@uiucvmd.bitnet Usenet (Posts to Newsgroups) ** alt.internet.services; FAQ: Posted ** alt.irc; FAQ: Posted ** news.announce ** news.answers (FAQs posted from Usenet groups) Post to Usenet via Email ** newsgroup@cs.utexas.edu ** newgroup@news.cs.indiana.edu ** newgroup@pws.bull.com ** newsgroup.usenet@decwrl.dec.com (E.g. post to "alt.test": address your message to: alt.test.usenet@decwrl.dec.com'. Replace all periods (.) with dashes (-) in the newsgroup name, e.g. alt.test => alt-test@cs.utexas.edu, comp.software-eng => comp-software-eng@cs.utexas.edu . 2. Telnet General Links (Posts and Live) INTERNET RELAY CHAT (IRC) (Server via Telnet) (Live) Intermittent: #pov; #think MULTI-USER DIMENSIONS (MU*s) ** PostModernCulture-MOO (PMC-MOO) (hero.village.virginia.edu 7777) Rooms: OMNet Node (#116) Reference: iath@jefferson.village.virginia.edu (Bingo) 3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (Files) SITE ADDRESSES (Files) FTP via email (Send text "Help" for additional instructions) ** bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu ** bitftp@vm.gmd.de ** bitftp@plearn.edu.pl ** ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com ** ftpmail-gw-1.pa.dec.com with a subject of anything and a message Internet Information Guides and FAQ Files ** rtfm.mit.edu ** sunsite.unc. edu Philosophy, General ** world.std.com /obi/Zines/Thinknet Reference: bzs@world.std.com (Barry Shein) 4. Other Servers (Files and Text) GOPHERS (Files) Gopher by Email ** gophermail@calvin.edu ** mail gopher@earn.net ** mail gopher@solaris.ims.ac.jp ** mail gophermail@ncc.go.jp WWW - World-Wide Web (Login: www) (Files) General Telnet WWW Sites ** info.cern.ch ** ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides ** http://http2.sils.umich.edu/~lou/chhome.html ** http://www.lib.umich.edu/chhome.html Reference: lou@umich.edu (Louis Rosenfeld) 5. Epublications/Eguides (Miscellaneous) Telnet from: ** ftp.merit.edu ** ftp.michnet.net ** nic.merit.edu ** nic.nsf.net ** Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to the Internet FTP: quartz.rutgers.edu /pub/network/zen-internet.txt =================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDICES A. FTP SITE STRUCTURES Magick and Related ** etext.archive.umich.edu (red.css.itd.umich.edu) /pub/Quartz/occult Reference: ftp@etext.archive.umich.edu (Paul Southworth) Files ending in .z or .gz are compressed with GNU Zip. If you need GNU Zip, look in the directory "/gzip". This is a mirror of the anonymous ftp archives on quartz.rutgers.edu. Since the quartz server is very busy, getting the files here will take load off their system and probably be faster anyway. This directory is incrementally updated weekly. DIRECTORY: /pub/Quartz/occult/ Subdirectories: crowley/; magick/; set/ ========== ** ftp.lysator.liu.se Reference: ceci@lysator.liu.se (Ceci Henningsson) Please note that this server is located in Linkoping, Sweden. Our site uncompresses compressed files if you state the file name without extension (.gz) when getting the file. Thus you don't need to be familiar with our compression program to get large files from here. DIRECTORY: /pub/magick/ Subdirectories: Alchemy/; Beginner/; Books/; Chaos/; Community/; Consciousness/; Enochian/; General/; Golden_Dawn/; Mysticism/; Necronomicon/; Net/; Ordo_templi_orientis/; Orgone_committee/; Qabalah/; Rituals/; Tantra/; Tarot/; Thelema/; Topy/; Truth/ ========== (Temple ov Psychick Youth) ** heimdall.riapub.com Reference: alamut@netcom.com (!MaX! Delysid) DIRECTORY: /pub/alamut/topy/ Among many textfiles, Subdirectory: transmissions/ ========== ** slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com Reference: john@mlb.semi.harris.com (John M. Blasik) Mirror: nic.funet.fi /pub/doc/magick DIRECTORY: /pub/magick Subdirectories: INCOMING/; fonts/; gifs/; hermetica/; magick/; misc/; new/; qabalah/; seals/; thelema/ Directory: hermetica/ Subdirectories: GD/; alchemy/; enochia/ Directory: magick/ Subdirectories: AOSpare/; Chaos/; Crowley/; Other/ Directory: thelema/ Subdirectories: OTO/; OZ/; ToS/; holy_books/; libers/; misc/; thelGD/ ========== ** wiretap.spies.com Reference: dell@wiretap.spies.com (Thomas Dell) Tar and compressed tar archive output is enabled. Gopher access to this material is available on port 70. Comments to: archive@wiretap.spies.com DIRECTORY: /Library/Fringe Subdirectories: Conspiry/; Gross/; Occult/; Pharm/; Ufo/; Weird/ Mysticism and Related (Buddhism and Asian Religions) ** coombs.anu.edu.au Reference: tmciolek@coombs.anu.edu.au (T. Matthew Ciolek) Welcome to Coombs Anonymous FTP service. -=- sean@coombs.anu.edu.au DIRECTORY: /coombspapers/otherarchives/electronic-buddhist-archives/ Subdirectories: buddhism-general/; buddhism-theravada/; buddhism-tibetan/; buddhism-vietnamese/; buddhism-zen/; other-asian-religions/ Directory: buddhism-general/ Subdirectories: articles/; bibliographies/; directories/; e-journals/; e-resources/; e-texts/; periodicals-inf/; theses-abstracts/ Directory: buddhism-theravada/ Subdirectories: current-theravada-poetry.txt/; justice-in-buddhism.txt/; teachings/ Directory: buddhism-tibetan/ Subdirectories: clear-mind-nwsltr/; liturgy/; poetry/; research/; sakya-teachings/ Directory: buddhism-zen/ Subdirectories: information/; poetry/; research/; ritual/; teachings/ Directory: other-asian-religions/ Subdirectories: hassidism/; hinduism/; shamanism/; sufism/; taoism/ ========== ** ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/religion/ (most) Reference: ceci@lysator.liu.se (Ceci Henningsson) Please note that this server is located in Linkoping, Sweden. Our site uncompresses compressed files if you state the file name without extension (.gz) when getting the file. Thus you don't need to be familiar with our compression program to get large files from here. DIRECTORY: /pub/religion/ Subdirectories: christianity/; discordian/; islam/; misc/; neopagan/; santaism/; satanism/; tariqas/; zen/ Directory: neopagan/ Subdirectories: Asatru/; Astrology/; Beginner/; Books/; Celtic/; Church_of_all_worlds/; Community/; Crystals/; Druidism/; General/; Herbs/; History/; Incoming/; MMC/; Mediterranean/; Music/; Native_american/; Nature/; Net/; Private/; Rituals/; Shamanism/; Swedish/; Tarot/ Directory: satanism/ Subdirectories: Crime/; General/; OLHP/; ToS/; Twilight_crossing/; Vampires/; Watcher_mag/ ===== Reference: cardell@lysator.liu.se (Miekael Cardell) DIRECTORY: /pub/religion/zen/ Subdirectories: commentaries/; hacking/; incoming/; lists/; misc/; periodicals/; poetry/ ========== ** ftp.netcom.com /pub/caw Reference: c-a-w@netcom.com (Darren Stalder, Church of All Worlds) DIRECTORY: /pub/caw/ Subdirectories (among files): Info/; articles/; calendars/; invoc/; new/; newsletters/; ramble/ ===== ** ftp.netcom.com /pub/dharma Reference: dharma@netcom.com (Barry Kapke, Director: DharmaNet) DIRECTORY: /pub/dharma Subsdirectories (among files): Buddhism/; Dharmanet-info/; Gassho/; Inbound/; Tibet/ Directory: Buddhism/ Subdirectories: Art/; Journals/; Resources/; Theravada/; Vajrayana/; Zen/ ________________________________________________________________ B. The OMNet - Foundation Document OMNet, the Occult and Mysticism Network _Foundation Document_, dated 940320 (Equinox) PURPOSE The purposes of this organization shall be to facilitate public access to occult and mystical documents and social groups, and to promote interdisciplinary information exchange. FOUNDATION STATEMENT For the purposes of this organization, the terms 'occult' and 'mysticism' shall be defined as follows: By 'occult' we shall mean any discipline of Divination (such as chiromancy, cartomancy, necromancy, etc.), Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, Qabalah, or Ritual Magick. It shall not include such things as Psychicism, Spiritualism, Fortune-telling, Herbalism, Hypnotism, or any of the various forms of Therapy or Massage. 'Mysticism' shall include disciplines of Liberation, Awakening, Purification, those involving a direct relationship, or unification, with 'the divine', etc., especially as separate from any religious systems in which they may be found. It may also tangentally include attendant philosophy or mythology which serves as an underpinning, result or functional mechanism of any mystical discipline. INITIAL FOCUS The context of initial activity shall be what is popularly called 'the Internet' or 'cyberspace', and it shall consist of maintaining and revising the document which has been released as 'the Mage's Guide to the Internet'. Subsequent efforts may include the establishment of a membership (organizations, individuals) based upon participation in fulfulling the purposes of OMNet. Other possible activities may include the establishment of a mechanism by which various groups within the Internet (and perhaps later, society at large) may be monitored, with pertinent documents combined, distributed to membership and made available to the interested public (such as through the distribution to ftp sites). LONG-RANGE Should the usefulness and success of this organization allow, OMNet shall extend itself beyond cyberspace and become a legal entity, serving nonprofit, educational purposes if and as so dictated by its administrators. THE ss (subservant) OMNet shall be represented by its subservant (ss), initially Tyagi Nagasiva, who shall, while adhering strictly to the purposes stated above, meet the needs and directives of the membership. Should the membership be without unified voice or resolved authority, then the ss shall be vested with the power to decide any particular issue after a reasonable period of discussion has concluded (as determined by the ss). Aside from dismissal or undue hardship, the membership shall assign the ss to any task within OMNet that they feel is appropriate, except where this assignment would compromise the ss' ability to faithfully and accurately represent OMNet to the public at large. The term of office for the ss shall be life or until that individual sees fit to burden another with said responsibility. The ss shall appoint and/or employ any needed assistants to perform the duties laid out above in service to OMNet and its membership. The ss has absolutely NO authority with regard to membership decisions, with the exception of unresolved authority as stated above, though if the membership so wishes it, it may consult with the ss as per its needs/desires. When no membership exists beyond that of the ss, then that individual shall determine the precise nature of 'best service' in regards fulfilling the purposes of OMNet above. In this circumstance, the ss shall take whatever measures are necessary for the preservation of the sanctity of the organization. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The membership shall initially be a consensus-based structure that may reform itself into any political edifice which it agrees shall best serve the purposes of the OMNet. By 'concensus-based' we mean that all members must understand and assent to actions taken by the whole. Subsequently, any ambiguity of authority that cannot be resolved by the membership (as described above) shall be adjucated by the ss, and this is the only official role which the ss may take in the political structure of the organization aside from advisor, counsel, and representative. Example: The membership decides to become a monarchy. All membership accepts a 'King and Queen' to rule them. At some point a member questions the legitimacy of this rulership and the authority of the regents. There is discussion and the dissenting member is not persuaded. The ss then hears both cases and decides as to the legitimacy of the regents. Should any membership structure collapse, then it shall revert to a consensus-based organization once more. Other details of organizational structure are to be defined and handled by the membership as it sees fit. Examples: Method of becoming a member Membership status differences and authority for each Responsibility and roles of individual members beyond that outlined above Tyagi Nagasiva OMNet subservant [MEMBERSHIP as of 4/29/94 : 5] __________________________________________________________________ C. Divination Web II - Information Those Crafty Arachnids are at it again! Just in time for Beltane too. DIVINATION WEB \ | / -- I I -- Telnet to 'bill.math.uconn.edu 9393' / | \ The _only_ Mu* dedicated to occult and spiritual interests. Not only are there cool people to meet there, but you can: * - network and play in the medium of a nifty TinyMuck (with variant FB code!) * - construct your favorite symbol-system (and walk through it afterwards!) * - build an esoteric text-visualization (perfect for instruction/practice!) or * - experiment with such things as cyber-ritual and cyber-religion. Drop by and check it out. Contact the email address below for additional information regarding building and programming. After you've connected and created a character, type 'notices' and read what others have to say. DIVINATION WEB II Where the reality is less virtual than you may think! Hsi.Wang.Mu Tyagi@HouseofkaoS.Abyss.com B-manager ================================================================= ============================== FIN =============================== COMPENSATION, COPYRIGHTS AND CREDITS (C) 1994 Tyagi Nagasiva (Issued 940429, Version 2.0) No compensation has been required for creating this publication. It was, unless otherwise indicated, entirely my construction and is, as are all of my generatons, the property of my Order (KAos). $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First I'd like to thank the forefathers of this guide, Scott Yanoff, whose 'Special Internet Connections' I continue to use for reference, and Michael Strangelove, whose _Electric Mystic's Guide to the Internet..._ inspired this document's title and gave much seed data from which the first Version (1.0) was produced. Secondly, I'd like to thank all of the many wonderful reference contacts who make up this Mage's Guide. Most have been very patient with my last- minute screams for tiny bits of addresses, forgotten questions, lost files, etc. Among those who provided repeated resource were Bruce Dienes, who gave me the push I needed with Listserv; Dean Edwards, who gave me inside information on many different email lists, and T. Matthew Ciolek, who masterminds a mammoth Asian reference without which the Internet would seem almost barren. I'd also mention the valiant efforts of Peggy Brown and Andrew Haigh. Peggy is my Mistress and a Networker Supreme. Andrew worked quite hard on a complete, annotated listing of the 'Slopoke' FTP Occult files and I ended up not using them, even though I'd requested that he rush to completion. I hope that his document is utilized and very often, since it is a badly needed map of a dense file site. Lastly but certainly not least I am most truly grateful to my Abyss, Lisa Karpinski, who supported me through the labors, and Kali, whose strength and wisdom I have never known to fail. Aum Mahakali! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Editor's address: Tyagi Nagasiva Tyagi@HouseofKAos.Abyss.com House of K@s 871 Ironwood Dr. San Jose, CA 95125-2815 ___________________________________________________ END OF LINE