THE TOP 10 NEW PRECAUTIONS THE BRITISH HAV E TAKEN TO AVOIDSOCCER VIOLENCE.������������ �����������������������������������������������Ŀ�  10. Fans must attend games one at a time. �� 9. Hire Benny Hill to referee all gam es to lighten fans' ��spirit. �� 8. No gin and tonics after th e first half.�� 7. Aski ng both teams to wear the same uniforms this way � �everybody roots for the same team. �� 6. Requesting that players not kick  the ball so hard. �� 5. Get ting the Royal Air Force to usher each tournament. � � 4. Seat belts�� 3. Letting the ushers carry tranquilizer rifles  like the ��ones Marlin Perki ns used in Wild Kingdom.�� 2. Change the National sport from soccer to badminton.  �� 1. "Suit of Armour Day" ����������������������������������������������� ���������������