Is it a good idea to measure stress?

2011-07-26 11:02:41

By Tom de Castella and Caroline McClatchey BBC News Magazine

It's summer and many people are planning a stress-relieving trip, while for

many parents the school holidays are themselves a stressful time. But are we

close to having a way for people to measure their own stress levels, and is

this a good idea?

Everyone knows someone who is stressed out, whether it's over job worries,

money concerns or personal problems.

Stress is notoriously difficult to define but measuring it could soon become

official practice. The Office for National Statistics has been asked by Prime

Minister David Cameron to assess the well-being of the population and has

published details of a survey into what people think wellbeing embraces. It

includes relationships with friends and family, job satisfaction, health and

the state of the environment.

But aside from public policy, people can already measure their own stress

without going to the doctor. Entrepreneurs are making money out of people's

desire to test their stress levels. Devices are on sale that measure hormones,

blood pressure or pulse rates.

How stressed are you?

Stress test website

The Stress Test, by BBC Lab UK, aims to find out if it is triggered by genes or


This online test takes about 20 minutes

It measures your mood, explores what makes you feel stressed - such as work or

social life - and what helps you cope

Mitesh Soma, founder of Chemist Direct, is selling an executive stress kit

containing monitors for blood pressure, body fat and cholesterol, and a

pedometer, costing 100.

Soma's firm sells about a hundred a week. The former City worker came up with

the idea after talking to ex-colleagues about health worries over long hours.

Plenty of other companies are trying to tap a lucrative market. US firm

Affectiva plans to sell wristbands that measure the wearer's stress levels.

But even the term "stress" is divisive. For some it is the scourge of the

modern 24/7 lifestyle, for others an ailment invented by therapists to

medicalise normal human reactions. The accepted definition of being stressed -

"experiencing physiological, emotional, or psychological stress" - did not

appear in the Oxford English Dictionary until 1993.

But regardless of how people define stress, it has a huge economic impact

through absence from work.

Helen McGill, who focuses on work-related stress for the Health and Safety

Executive, says just under 10 million work days were lost to stress in

2009-2010 in the UK, across the public and private sectors.

Testing emotions

No-one has yet figured out how to measure happiness. But Rosalind Picard, a

professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, believes she is close.

Picard says feelings are a combination of two different spectrums - positive to

negative and calm to excited.

If you've backed into your neighbour's car you are probably excited-negative.

If you just left a yoga retreat, you're likely to be positive-calm.

She has developed and is beginning to commercialise sensors that measure these

two dimensions. One, using a computer camera, scans facial features for

emotions, from giggles to frowns.

The other relies on wristbands that measure the electrical conductivity of

skin, an indicator of emotional arousal. An interesting conversation will

generate a spike, as will encountering an obnoxious colleague. Most lectures

with PowerPoint slides will lead people to flatline.

Prices for the sensors are still high, but a company Picard co-founded,

Affectiva, hopes to make them available to consumers in the next year or two.

Picard says the wrist bands, which she wears constantly, have helped her. She

used to get stressed by Boston's terrible drivers - until she saw how high she

was spiking when behind the wheel.

by Karen Weintraub

"Stress is one of the biggest factors in absenteeism. We distinguish between

pressure which can be a positive, motivational factor to you doing your job

well, and stress which is the adverse reaction that people have to excessive


Stress may be big news but often patients aren't aware of its effect on their

health, says the One Show's Dr Mark Porter. "The vast majority come in and look

nonplussed when you suggest they're suffering from stress. But then as they

talk about what's going on in their life, the penny drops."

The difficulty for doctors is there is no consistency in how people respond to

stressful life events. Something one person might find extremely difficult,

another would take in their stride, he says.

But is measuring stress a good idea? The firms selling stress kits say they can

help people see what impact their lifestyle is having on their health and make

appropriate adjustments.

Lynda Spain, a stress management consultant in Manchester, agrees that it's

important to identify someone's stress level. Once she knows how stressed a

client is she can take the next step and address it with cognitive behaviour

therapy or other techniques.

But she doesn't use kits. "I like to ask people to visualise a stress

thermometer. And ask them if the mercury is at bursting point at the top or if

they're halfway up and things are starting to get too much."

Dr Porter says that trying to determine stress using quantitative measures is


A man measuring blood pressure High blood pressure might be related to stress

"I'm not a firm believer in a stress scale," says Porter. "The way I look at it

is whether someone has a range of symptoms suggestive of stress: they can't

sleep, they're underperforming, they're irritable or they're having anxiety


Saliva can be used to measure stress hormone levels, in clinical trials at

least. And if you're stressed your pulse is likely to rise, as is your blood

pressure. But it could be for lots of other reasons, too. Doctors do not take

these results particularly seriously in regard to stress, preferring to look at

someone's wider circumstances, Dr Porter says.

"Stress is a clinical diagnosis. It's similar to the way you don't have a blood

test for depression. These kits may tell you something in isolation but they

need to be interpreted properly."

Angela Patmore, author of The Truth About Stress, goes further. Self-testing is

not just unreliable, it is harmful.

Signs of stress


Loss of confidence

Poor memory

Increased smoking or drinking

Twitchy behaviour

Changes in sleep pattern

Source: HSE

"The whole thrust of stress management is to medicalise what is a normal human

emotion. It makes people become hyper-vigilant and anxious, and display all the

symptoms of fear. They begin to examine themselves and start thinking they have

a mental illness."

A prejudice has taken hold that people should be calm at all times. When people

need a range of emotion over the course of a day in order to be "purposeful and

creative", she argues. We should accept that our heart rates and pulse will

rise, and we may start to sweat. Don't worry, it's a normal part of being

alive, she counsels.

The people selling kits are taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities,

Patmore believes. "It's trying to convince people they have a health problem

and then selling them a solution."

Tips to manage stress

We all feel stressed at various times in our lives. It's a normal response to

challenging circumstances, and can be caused by happy as well as sad events. A

new partner or a holiday can trigger stress just as much as the death of a

loved one or a job loss.

This article was last reviewed in September 2006.

First published in June 2000.

A little bit of stress isn't a bad thing: it mobilises our bodies and energises

us during the coping process. But being overstressed can result in a range of

health problems, including headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure and

even strokes or heart disease.

Coping with stress

One of the first steps to cope with stress is learning to recognise your

personal signs and symptoms. The way you function on a daily basis may change,

or you may notice a difference in your body (such as tense shoulders),

thinking, or general sense of wellbeing. Is the cause for your stress a real

threat? Or is something causing needless worry in your life?

Stress is part of life but we don't need to compound our problems by putting

ourselves down and thinking irrational thoughts such as "nobody gets stressed

out like I do". We're not weak or neurotic because we're stressed - we're

stressed because we're human. Blaming ourselves or doling out negative thoughts

as self-imposed punishment is a waste of energy.

Approaching stress constructively

It can be tempting to hide from the people, places and tasks which make life

difficult. By removing yourself from the situation, it's possible to find

immediate relief - but the sources of stress will never go away unless we

confront them.

If avoiding stress triggers isn't a good technique for dealing with stress,

what is? Life experience teaches us that whenever we need to master a new skill

- learning to swim, giving a public presentation, taking risks in front of

others - it pays to take a deep breath, perhaps grit our teeth and get on with

things. Most of the time, it all works out.

Positive confrontation is a good coping skill when faced with stress. Instead

of avoiding a difficult boss, why not take every opportunity to work in his or

her presence? Throwing ourselves in at the deep end until we master it is one

way to desensitise ourselves to the people, places and work we find stressful.

Taking action is good for our basic wellbeing too.

Another approach to tackling stress head-on is to keep tabs on our stress while

we're working. Logging the time of day, situation, how strong feelings of

stress were, how you coped and how stressed you felt afterwards can be a useful

tool for some people. This can give us an accurate idea of when and where we

get anxious, and what coping skills work for us in certain situations.

Another way to take action on stress is to control the body and mind.

Self-relaxation leading up to stressful times (as well as afterwards) and

positive self-talk ("I have the skills to do this job well", "I've done this a

dozen times before") are excellent skills to have. Sometimes our perceptions of

a situation may be inaccurate - interpretations of an event or situation may be

more negative when we're down or dissatisfied.

It's possible to test our perceptions. Keeping a record (as recommended above)

can be one way to get a fresh view of a situation. Also, we can label the

strong, stressful emotions we're feeling as either positive or negative. So,

before the next bout of stage fright, try calling it "excitement" and see what


Enduring, mastering (and surviving) what life throws at us, and converting

stress into a positive force, is a lifelong challenge. Everyone needs a certain

amount of stress - it's what gets us out of bed in the morning - but remember

to be gentle with yourself.


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