One thing I've never really understood is why Diana likes the music that she does, or likes talking to the men that she does. If I were to approach her and tell her the things that she reads or hears from others and in song, she wouldn't take me seriously. Why is that? Why can she hear the filthy crap from random black guys, and not me? I dunno. Does she even like hearing it? I would think that she does, based on the fact that I've caught sight of smiles and seen responses. She also seems to seek out those raunchy songs. But why is it different with me? Even more confusing is that she's said things to me about some of the things I have said or suggested, and the reaction is near disgust. Why? I guess some of it may be that division of what is and isn't socially acceptable. I guess I am, or I'm supposed to be, part of that acceptable group. I dunno. I don't think I'll ever really understand it.
Tags: #randomness