Partial sourdough; commercial yeast is still used to give it a good rise, as the starter is pretty anemic at that. This turns out to be about 61% hydration, which may be a bit low, though this makes the dough easier to work with and the bread poofs up fine in the dutch oven.
Heat the water to about 105F, add the instant yeast to activate it. Usually I will make at least 50g of the flour whole wheat.
Mix the starter, flour, water, salt until just formed up, let it sit for 15 minutes, work the dough for about five minutes, let it sit for another 15 minutes, work it for another five minutes or so. Let that sit for maybe four or five hours, rework the dough and get it into a proofing basket. Let that rise for maybe an hour or an hour and a half.
Preheat the oven to 475F, with the dutch oven in it. Cook the loaf at 440F in the dutch oven, covered for 30 minutes; uncover the dutch oven and cook the loaf for about 15 more minutes.
I usually add pans of water to the stove to help with the humidity and heat transfer, though this makes it dangerous to have your face at the oven door when opening it. Remember to lean away, a bit.
Let the loaf cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting it. Put a timer by the loaf so nobody cuts into it early.