Why do many Americans mistrust the Federal Reserve?

2015-12-15 12:11:47

By Zoe Thomas BBC News, New York

There is little agreement in the United States at the moment, but when it comes

to the Federal Reserve, many Americans feel their central bank is broken,

pointless or at worst bad for the country.

Just a third of Americans felt the Fed was doing a good or excellent job,

according to the last Gallup poll to check on the bank's popularity. The only

US federal agency with a consistently lower approval rating was the IRS, the

Internal Revenue Service or tax collector.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have taken swipes at the Fed.

Republicans chastise the bank for its prolonged policy of low interest rates.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused the Fed of keeping

interest rates low to protect President Obama.

Democrats, meanwhile criticise attempts to raise rates.

In August, activists from the liberal-leaning Fed Up campaign protested outside

a Fed meeting in support of low interest rate, saying that they say help low

income families.

"There is no question that [the Fed's] reputation has taken a hit from the

extreme left and the extreme right," says Donald Kohn, a Federal Reserve

governor from 2002-2010.

Alan Greenspan's tenure

It wasn't always like this though. Under the tenure of Alan Greenspan - who

served as the Fed's chairman from 1987 to 2006 - many felt the central bank was

a positive force for the economy.

During the 1990s US unemployment reached 4% while inflation remained low.

Mr Greenspan's approval rating was 72% when he left the Fed. According to Allan

Meltzer, author of The History of the Federal Reserve, Mr Greenspan's tenure

was "the best period in Federal Reserve history".

He wasn't without critics.

President George HW Bush and Republican members of Congress criticised Mr

Greenspan and the Fed for raising interest rate in 1994. President Bush even

accused Mr Greenspan's policy of costing him the election against Bill Clinton.

Experts say many of the policies that helped the economy grow under President

Clinton can really be credited to Mr Greenspan.

However, since the financial crisis politicians and economists have pointed to

the loose monetary policies he championed as a factor leading to the crash.

Mr Greenspan also believed it was the Fed's duty to "to serve as a source of

liquidity to support the economic and financial system."

This policy was a precursor to the 2008 bank bailouts.

Bailing out the banks

According Mr Meltzer, the Fed's decision to bailout the banks has shaped many

Americans' current distrust of the central banking system more than the

prolonged period of low interest rates.

"The public doesn't think the government should be in the business of bailing

out banks," he says.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have criticised the bailout, saying it

helped banks at the expense of the American tax payer.

"If big financial institutions know they can get cheap cash from the Fed in a

crisis, they have less incentive to manage their risks carefully," says Senator

Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat who has built a reputation for challenging Wall


Supporters of the Fed's bailout action argue it was necessary and see the anger

it created as a symptom of the suspicion that already existed.

"The perception that expanding the discount window bailed out the big banks at

the expense of Main Street comes from a long history of distrust a lot of

Americans have in New York and Washington," says Mr Kohn.

Disliked from the start

America's distaste for central banks is not new. The country's founders fought

over whether a central bank was necessary.

Alexander Hamilton - America's first secretary of the treasury - urged the

creation of an institution to help manage a single currency for the new country

and stabilize the states' credit.

Opponents, including Thomas Jefferson - the third president of the US - saw the

central bank as an unnecessary consolidation of power.

They argued it benefited investors, banks and businesses above the wider


The US had two central banks before the Fed. Both only lasted 20 years.

President Andrew Jackson, who opposed renewing the charter of the second US

central bank, famously referred to it as "a den of vipers and thieves".

The Federal Reserve itself was founded in 1913 in response to several financial


Despite surviving 102 years the bank has been regularly flogged for failing to

prevent financial crises, including the Great Recession.

The recent criticism of the Fed is not that different from the criticism

central banks received at the country's founding - favouring bankers and too

much centralisation of power.

"The US already had a strong culture of freedom and it sees central banks as an

opponent of freedom and a source of centralization that many dislike," says Mr


This time around

To raise interest rates this time around the Fed will use a new method that has

been criticised as benefiting banks.

Traditionally, the Fed increases the amount of securities it sells to banks.

This forces banks to charge higher interest rates to bring in revenue to pay

for the securities they are buying.

This time, the Fed will pay banks a higher interest rate for storing reserves

at the central bank. If banks make more money holding reserves at the Fed they

have no incentive to charge low interest rates.

Critics say the Fed should not be in the business of funding banks' profits.

Becoming more likable

It is difficult, given America's history, to say what might make the Fed more


In 2013, 74% of American supported auditing the Fed's decisions and finances. A

new bill to increase the amount the Fed is already audited has been proposed by

Republican Senator Ran Paul.

At this point the only thing that might improve the Fed's reputation is time

and an improving economy.

But regardless of whether the Fed gets the decision right on Wednesday the

critics will still be out there.