
libvorbis.lha (dev/lib)

Libraries for handling Ogg Vorbis audio

ppc-amigaos (Fredrik Wikstrom)

libogg.lha (dev/lib)

Library for handling OGG files

ppc-amigaos (Fredrik Wikstrom)

TilesSlide.lha (game/actio)

Align 3-4 tiles of the same colour on WB!

m68k-amigaos (Stefano Maria Regattin)

StartWin.lha (util/wb)

Two bugged workbench launchbars for 3.0+

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2.0 (Stefano Maria Regattin)

SniffEmu.lha (util/sys)

check if system is running in emulator

m68k-amigaos (Tomek Wójcik)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


hippoplayerupdate.lha (mus/play)

Updated HippoPlayer

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2 (K-P Koljonen)

AnalogClock.lha (util/time)

Resizeable analog transparent clock

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2.0 (Stefano Maria Regattin)


avalanche_guide_de.lha (util/arc)

German translation of Avalanche.guide

generic (G. Behring)

avalanche_de.lha (util/arc)

German catalog for Avalanche 1.11

generic (G. Behring)

Space_Travel.lha (game/misc)

C port of Ken Thompson's Space Travel

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

Avalanche_FR.lha (util/arc)

French catalog for Avalanche 1.10

generic (filipe brandao2 fnac net)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


avalanche.lha (util/arc)

ReAction unarchive GUI for xfd/xadmaster

m68k-amigaos >= 3.2.1; ppc-amigaos >= 4.1.0 (Chris Young)

Void-FB14-Classic.lha (demo/sound)

Musicdisk with mods from GERP 2023

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Puni)

Void-FB14-AmigaOS4.zip (demo/sound)

Musicdisk with mods from GERP 2023

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (Puni)

Void-Dreams39.zip (demo/misc)

Demopack - February 2023

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Puni)

FlipSide_v2.2.lha (util/misc)

Switch screens via the Mouse-button

m68k-amigaos (allanv start ca)


deark.lha (util/arc)

Extract data from various file formats

ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)

TinyInvaders.lha (game/shoot)

SPACE INVADERS poor clone in development

m68k-amigaos (Stefano Maria Regattin)

MousePressed.lha (util/batch)

Check if mouse buttons are pressed

m68k-amigaos (Mark Reds)

LazyMines_FR.lha (game/think)

French catalog for LazyMines 3.x

generic (filipe brandao2 fnac net)

Image2PDF.lha (util/conv)

convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF

m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros (Bernd Assenmacher)

AnalogClock.lha (util/time)

Resizeable analog transparent clock

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2.0 (Stefano Maria Regattin)


AmigaKlangSamples.lha (mods/smpl)

Samples & Instruments for AmigaKlang

generic (Holger Hippenstiel gmx de)


fe.lha (dev/lang)

A tiny, embeddable language

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiSSL-5.7-SDK.lha (util/libs)

OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library SDK

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5; m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Oliver Roberts)

AmiSSL-5.7-OS4.lha (util/libs)

OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 (Oliver Roberts)

AmiSSL-5.7-OS3.lha (util/libs)

OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Oliver Roberts)


cabextract_MOS.lha (util/arc)

Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)


eflashutil.lha (util/misc)

GUI for eFlasher utility for eFlash 4000

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Thomas Rapp)

cabextract_OS4.lha (util/arc)

Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.3 (Stuart Caie)

cabextract.lha (util/arc)

Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives

m68k-amigaos (Stuart Caie)

VATestprogram.zip (util/misc)

Versatile Amiga Testprogram

m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)

RPNScientific.lha (misc/math)

RPN scientific and programmer calculator

i386-aros; m68k-amigaos>=3.0 (Nathan Hesterman)

NAFCYI1991S1-B28.zip (text/bfont)

NAFCYI Spring 1991 (BMP Fonts)

generic (starchoicemusic@yahoo.com)

NAFCYI1991S1-28.zip (text/pfont)

NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)

generic (starchoicemusic@yahoo.com)


UADE_MMV8.lha (mus/play)

MusicMakerV8 players for UADE

m68k-amigaos (Thomas Winischhofer)


parForth.lha (dev/lang)

pForth compiled with AROS function calls

i386-AROS (Nathan Hesterman)

ScreenTime.lha (util/time)

Screen clock with calendar

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0 (Kim Fastrup Larsen)

RoyaltyAround.lha (game/think)

Royalty Around solitaire card gamec

i386-aros; m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (Nathan Hesterman)

REDPILLGameCreator.lha (dev/misc)

Game Creator with AGA support

m68k-amigaos (trackerhero )

NDos.lha (util/boot)

Boot menu 4 games on floppies

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2 (Thomas Richter)


ltx-cb12.lha (util/boot)

CBoot v1.2 - Ultimate Boot Selector

m68k-amigaos (Tobias Karlsson)

fxPAINT_FR.lha (gfx/edit)

French catalog for fxPAINT 2.02

generic (filipe brandao2 fnac net)

PoligoniRegolari.lha (gfx/show)

Draws 3->99 sides regular poligon

m68k-amigaos (Stefano Maria Regattin)

Golem.lha (biz/misc)

Business management software (Polish)

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Piotr Drapich)

Envoy_FR.lha (comm/net)

French catalog for Envoy 3

generic (filipe brandao2 fnac net)


png2bbc.lha (gfx/conv)

BBC Micro sprites from PNG images

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

PoligoniRegolari.lha (gfx/show)

Draws 3->99 sides regular poligon

m68k-amigaos (Stefano Maria Regattin)

[Older Entries]