A close up look at the tiny, light-green "pips" budding from the base of an unidentifiable succulent, that are near dead center in the frame, plus the bottom of the stems of the succulent, of which can be seen, all 6 or so of them, of varying thicknesses, filling the top of the frame, one "falling" out to the right. The plant is in a small, square, scalloped edged, seemingly hand shaped piece of pottery, that is glazed white, with blue molting. You can barely see the back corner (the pot is at an angle relative to the POV, so one corner is facing front, the corner on the right side is cut off, and the other fills out the upper left of the frame) The inside of the pot is filled with several black, "orange" and "grey" rounded river pebbles, along with the plant, and the coarse sand it is rooted in.
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