Waterside Sure Start: Full circle for Sure Start's groundbreaking mother and son

Paddy Leonard, 13 Jun

Friday's official opening ceremony at Action for Children Waterside

Sure Start was extra special for one proud mammy as she watched her son

carry out the official opening alongside the mayor.

Michelle Heath's son, Adam Brolly, was asked to cut the ribbon in

honour of the fact he was one of the first children to use the

Waterside Sure Start service when it started up 16 years ago.

The Foyle College pupil took time out between sitting two GSCE exams -

geography and history - to play his part in the ceremony, which mum

Michelle described as 'a lovely moment'.



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She added: “It's funny, too, seeing him now and he's not a child

anymore. I have four children and Adam is my firstborn. Me and him are

very close.

“I was an anxious mammy - still am - and I was breastfeeding and

feeling a wee bit lost, you know, with him being my first, and so the

health visitor recommended I come here.

“I'll never forget that first day. I was so nervous. But from the

minute I walked through the door, it felt great to have that support.

It really did help me when times were tough for me.

“The staff were all so supportive. There were some difficult times, but

I came through it and now they're all up and all doing well.”

And Michelle felt so at home there that she joined the Sure Start team

11 years ago, working as an early years supervisor.

“When you've been in that situation of being a single parent or

whatever, it's really really hard. But coming here at the start, and

now working here, it's been so beneficial.

“All the services based here are great and they support so many

families. It could be single parents, or people struggling with money,

or mothers who are breastfeeding; loads of different things.

“We do lots of family parenting groups as well and you can see today,

the different families that are involved in our two-year-old programme.




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“I'm running the 'little explorers' group at the minute. That's for

children with additional needs and we have five children in that, and

it's just lovely to have that one-on-one time and obviously we build up

a really good relationship with the parents.

“Getting the parents in is half the battle; once you get that

relationship built up, you can really see the benefits.

“The parents and children and staff, we're like a whole family. I feel

so proud to work here - I'll never leave!”