Identity2 longtext

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I have circumnavigated the sun more than three score years and ten, I am retired.

I used the internet before the web existed and put up some of the earliest pages, including first years of the Melbourne PC User Group magazine on the web.

Gemini, takes me back to the early concepts of, and hopes for the web.

My partner a busy executive, not retired and travels a lot therefore so do I.

A significant percentage of my time is spent in countries that restrict intenet access.

As governments restrict for maximun effect minor protocols run from small private low volume servers generally are unmolested.

Even blocked the trafic is so light that it is fast throught poorest VPN/Tunnel/Whatever.

As a news addict, I appreciate already a lot of resources via gmi and it is increasing. I may be able to contribute to enhancing this ecosystem.

Another of my retrograde behaviours is to micro publishing physical books, I create longtext and art that I compile in LaTeX, print it and hand bind by the "Perfect Binding" method.

I have registered as a publisher so I have a block of ISBN in stock so by submiting the required 6 copies can validate the ISBN.

I like what I see of this community and the SMOL, Gemini, Slow and back to basics philosophies.

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