Spartan links

My glog, updated monthly

The detailed glog updates are available here

My git repositories (generated with stagit-gemini)



How to generate gemtext for git repos using stagit-gemini

Cooking recipes

Archive of news articles and internet comments, 2007-2020 (english, swedish and french, ~6600 pages)

RFCs (updated every 2 weeks)

Linux Man Pages

Vim User Manual (updated every 2 weeks)

Vim Reference Manual (updated every 2 weeks)

SEI CERT C Secure coding rules (updated every 2 weeks)

Compiler Options Hardening Guide for C and C++

Mirror of The Unix Koans of Master Foo by Eric Steven Raymond

Garbage text written by an AI

Pixel art and photo gallery (4.5MB, 120 or 200 columns)

2 image gallery (290KB, 120 colunms, amfora can display this, there are images of a cat and a plasma pink, purple and blue)

The gallery is displayed correctly with these clients: astro, bollux and gmi.

Amfora says page is too large and opens libreoffice.

Lagrange displays the page correctly when ANSI colors are enabled for foreground and background in preferences.

Elaho, deedum, gmni and vgmi don't support support terminal colors. mirror 20230411

France TV Info news

Current Events from Wikipedia Portal (world news)

BBC Business News

BBC Technology News

BBC Science News

Finviz News

Spartan specification