Stuff I use most
Output Functions
- $(info ...) - Print out some info message
- $(warning ...) - Print out a warning
- $(error ...) - Print out an error and STOP
- D = something - Set D equal to 'something' every time D is used (expand every time)
- D := something - Set D equal to 'something' once (expand only once. non-recursive)
- D ?= something - Set D equal to 'something' only if not already set
- $(shell ) - Run 'command' in a shell and return output
- $(call var,arg,arg,...) - Call a function, var, with args.
call example call example: reverse = $(2) $(1) D = $(call reverse,a,b) # D will contain 'b a'
- $(filter pat,text) - Filter 'text' by 'pat'
filter example filter example: D = a.h a.c b.h b.c CFiles = $(filter %.c,$(D)) # CFiles will contain 'a.c b.c' only
- $(if ,,) - If 'cond' is non-empty string, do 'then'...
- $(or arg,arg,...) - Return first non-empty arg or empty string
- $(and arg,arg,...) - Return empty string or last non-empty arg
List Functions
- $(sort ) - Sort list
- $(firstword list) - Return first item in space-separated list
- $(lastword list) - Return last item in space-separated list
- $(word nth,list) - Return 1-based nth word in list
- $(words list) - Return the number of words in space-separated list
- $(wordlist start,end,list) - Return words from start to end in list
Directory/Path/File Functions
- $(abspath ...) - Get absolute path of a file and don't check for existence
- $(realpath ...) - Get real path of a file and return empty string if it doesn't exist
- $(wildcard ) - Get list of files matching 'pattern'
Create/Append to File
- $(file >$(log),stuff) - Write 'stuff' to log file
More stuff