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For everyone who wants to take a look at my previous voyage into Geminispace:
I just started out with PostmarketOS on a scavenged Oneplus 6, in this notes i describe my setup and my experiences with this system.
PostmarketOS as semi daily driver
PostmarketOS on Oneplus 6, installation and setup
I have outlined the basic setup of my 9Front system in my old capsule (link above), at the end of the old entries i had running a standalone terminal with email, a few custom scripts and so on, this part will cover more of the 'quality of life' things that i discovered after that. I will also try to build up a grid with home automation and some other nice things.
Video playback and YouTube on Plan9
Getting the Wifi to work on the Thinkpad R60
08 March 2023 - Killed the gemlog
07 March 2023 - Added an articles about PostmarketOS and Plan9