Midnight Pub

honestly, I have to agree...


Thanks to ~ew of M.p, I came across this on Gemini:

Gemini is an island of purebred bleakness -


...unfortunately it is true. I never dealt with Gemini space, and I never wanted to. The navigation/filesystem looks like something from 2003, the entries there are published with a known (or assumed) disposition of they'll likely NOT be read. It's text-only (ok, I get that's part of the appeal - but just do that on the WWW). Everything is super-specific in terms of subject matter, everything there IS bleak, from where I am sitting.

I don't even keep a regular blog on the WWW anymore, so I'm not one to cast stones, because I don't even have a "home" online anymore - glass or not.

Anyhow, people always ask what my Gem address is, from ^C Club, as that pubnix has a Gem server, and I tell them I'm not on Gemini, and I am very much so the odd-man-out on that one.

I wish I liked it. I wish there was stuff to like. I don't, there isn't.

To each their own.


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