..The Castle GS.. DREAM ZONE SOLVE Brought to you by Ziggy Solved by Ziggy and Color Gone Special Thanks to Red Cloud Call Beyond the Banks: (808) 625-1734 You will start your adventure in your own bedroom. Take the sandwich. Open the dresser. Wear the pajamas. Go in the bathroom and get the toothbrush and the plunger. Don't forget to brush your teeth (good dental hygene is the key to goo d relationships). Now go to your Brother's room. Give him some money and he wi ll go to buy candy. Open the chest and take the squirt gun. Now you are ready to start your adventure. Go back to your room and sleep. When you start dreami ng you will suddenly be transported to a very colorful world. Leave the bedroom and you will be on a sidewalk facing two doors, one is the bedroom you just lef t, the other is the door you must go through. Your toothbrush is the key to the door. Once you get into town there's not much else to do except get into the b ar. The fox can help you get into the bar but he will require you to get Form 6 9B-12C from the D.O.I. Since that is the only way to get in you will have no ch oice. Enter the D.O.I. and ask the Informer about 69B-12C. He will tell you to ask about that in N3L-D. This means: N - north elevator, 3 - third floor, L - left door, D - room D. Now you're in for a bit of red tape. Go to N3L-D and ask about 69B-12C Go to N4R-E and ask about Officer S3R-D Go to N2L-D and ask about Officer S3R-D Go to S3R-D and ask about 69B-12C (take rock) Go to E4L-C and ask about 43A-81G Go to E3R-D and ask about 11X-16B Go to E2L-B and ask about 51M-97O Go to S4R-E and ask about 17D-16B (give Officer sandwich) Go to S2L-A and ask about 16D-97O (shoot Officer) Go to E2L-B give Officer 16D-97O (get 51M-97O) Go to E3R-D give Officer 17D-16B (get 11X-16B) Go to E4L-C give Officer 51M-97O & 11X-16B (get 43A-81G) Go to S3R-D give Officer 43A-81G (steal 69B-12C & shoot Officer) Go to S4L-B and ask about 22Z-13I Go to S2R-A give Officer 22Z-13I (get receipt) Exit the building, go to the nightshade>�------------------------------------------------------------8�8th An Tym time stop anytime mandrake,:�Circle garlic,moss8� In Flam Hur flame wind combat ash,moss,7� mandrake>� In Mani Corp resurrect noncombat garlic,ginseng,=� silk,ash,moss,7� mandrake<�r to the first floor and e xit the building. Go to the church and get married (don't forget to get the waf ers). Go back to the bar and go up to the roof. There you will meet a rat name d Nick. Ask Nick about keys and he will let you buy them from him (you will nee d the keys to go into the bathroom once you go back into the bar). Enter the ba r and take the jacket then talk to the twins. They will give you some gum. Giv e the wafers to the bartender and he will give you a keg. Give the keys to the bartender and you will be able to go into the bathroom. Enter the window and go south to the bigtop. Buy a ticket to see the freak show. Go to the game booth s and play the games. You will have to steal the teddy bear and the tokens. Fi nd the kids that are fighting and give them the tokens, they will give you some candy. Go to the freak show and give Hairy the candy. Hairy will give you some hair tonic. Next, give the gum to the Grajunk, he will now follow you. Now go back to the bar and outside to where the fox was and in his place you will find a loan shark. Ask him about a loan, he will loan you 100,000 tuna. Now go bac k to where the crowd used to be and you will find a bridge to the Emperor's pala ce. Go to the end of the dock and go swimming. Enter the cave and you will mee t Jacque the Water Rat. Give him the keg and he will give you the Pearl. Go to the Swordsmith and talk to him about the sword. Now go to the Emperor's rock g arden and walk along the wall. A Ninja will come at you from the wall, shoot hi m, you will now be allowed to enter the Palace. But before you do, go to the mi ddle north part of the rock garden and dig. You will find an old vase and some worms. Now go see the Emperor. Give him the rock and he will let you roam abou t the Palace. Find the Servant room and give the servant the vase. He will ope n the room that the princess is in (the Emperor's bedroom). You can enter the E mperor's bedroom from the Palace room. Give the Princess the teddy bear and she will follow you. Take the Princess back to the Swordsmith and he will give you the sword. Then give him the jacket and he will give you some rice. Take the rice and go back to the rock garden (southwest corner), and look for Sushi (the rat). Give Sushi the rice and John the rat will owe you a favor (you can find h im in the bathroom of the bar). Now go back to the bar and go in. Enter the ba throom, the window, and go to the Airship Terminal. Buy a ticket and talk to th e Captain about the castle. Give him the Pearl and enter the airship. You will not be able to take off because you are still anchored to the ground. Go back to the bathroom in the bar and talk to John the rat about the rope. He will fol low you back to the airship and take care of the rope. You will still not be ab le to take off yet (can't go till you pay your debt). Go back to the Emperor's Palace to the dock and go fishing. You will catch enough to pay off the Loan Sh ark. Now go back and pay him off. Now you're ready to go back to the airship a nd take off. When you dock, exit the airship and go north. Now you need to fin d the drunk so jump north (or south, or whatever till you find the drunk). When you find him, hit him. He will drop a bottle of wine. Take the wine (don't dr ink it). Now jump. You will catch the trap-door and swing up to meet Rambone R at. Give Rambone the tonic and he will leave you alone. The only place is up f rom here. Now you will be in front of the key (the key will be in some kind of display). I think you have to break the glass with the sword to get the key. N ow you have two ways to get back down. You could take the airship, but it is qu icker to just swear. At this point you have completed most of your quest, the o nly thing left is to get back to your bedroom. To do this you must face a Deamo n. Just throw the wine on him and he will dissolve. Now to open the door. You try to use the key and oh-oh, the Grajunk swallows the key. Time to whip out t he plunger and use it on the Grajunk. Got the key, use it on the door and you'r e home free.